Anunnaki royal scientist Nin, sister of Enki and half-sister of Enlil, is one of the smartest and most likeable characters in SKY GODZ season.

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Awaana is a 5th dimensional being from the Pleiades and commander of the Ashtar Command fleet starship "Light".

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Light beings from the planet Teka in the Lyras constellation are angelic and peacful before being destroyed on the Great Lyran Wars.

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Beings from Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation are descendants of the greys and members of the Orion League.

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Sergio Macedo is a Brazillian comic book artist who released a series of trippy painted graphic novels about aliens and UFOs in the 80's.

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We've all seen those diagrams of the Great Pyramid. But did you know that the shafts point to Orion and Sirius?

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Communion was a ground-breaking alien abduction book in the 80's by author Whitley Strieber. There 8s also a mediocre movie adaptaion with Christopher Walken.

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Anunnaki royal scientist Nin, sister of Enki and half-sister of Enlil, is one of the smartest and most likeable characters in SKY GODZ.

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Sergio Macedo is a Brazillian comic book artist who released a series of trippy painted graphic novels about aliens and UFOs in the 80's.

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Arianiva was the last princess on Mars. About 77'000 years ago there was humanoid population on Mars but they were relocated before the destruction of the surface.

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Aquatic alien beings are mostly found in the Sirius system and had a great influence on earth as seen in Egyptian mythology.

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