Continua il conto alla rovescia per la prossima mostra a Un omaggio al più rivoluzionario artista veneziano: Jacopo Robusti detto La retrospettiva aprirà il prossimo 7 settembre.

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Christ Among the Doctors - another fabulous early Tintoretto that will be in Venice for the 'Young Tintoretto' exhibition celebrating his 500th anniversary in the Accademia from September 7th. Tickets and info here:

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Kiki fue una cabaretera pobre de un barrio pobre: los altos de Montparnasse, en donde vivían muchos artistas sin blanca, pintores, escultores... -luego muy famosos- para los que posaba como musa.

Kiki de Montparnasse entró en el Arte por la puerta de atrás.

🎼 John Williams.

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In two months we'll be celebrating 500 years of the birth of Jacomo aka Jacopo Comin aka Robusti aka Tintoretto. Here's his Presentation of the Virgin from the Church of San Cristoforo aka Madonna dell'Orto

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🎼Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
🎵H.777;Wq.240 Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu
🎨Tintoretto (Ascensione)

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Disappointing that there appear to be no shows in the UK celebrating the 500th anniversary of

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Moses Drawing Water from the Rock, Tintoretto, 1575-77

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The Conversion of St Paul - an early Tintoretto on show at the in Paris, where it is on loan from Washington. Once attributed to Andrea Schiavone, I love the riotous colours in this!

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"Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples" (1547), Tintoretto (Italia) - Manerismo

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Quelques invités en retard au : Ils se sont laissé distraire par les superbes vidéos chantées du consacrées à

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La teoría que afirma que los grandes pintores de la Historia eran casi ciegos...

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Canaletto's view of the Campo San Rocco, with the eponymous church. The Scuola Grande houses Tintoretto's masterworks. The church to the side is free to enter and also houses some beautiful art.

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Con la “La resurrezione de Cristo e tre Avogadori ” (1571) del grande artista veneziano auguriamo a tutti
Il celebre dipinto si trova nella Sala dei Notai di

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"Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples" (1547), Tintoretto (Italia) - Manerismo

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Foi preciso de 115 pintores profissionais para 65.000 quadros de pintura a óleo sobre a tela, mesma técnica usada por Gogh, sendo o primeiro filme totalmente pintado. Loving Vicent é uma obra de arte dedicado a um grande homem

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