❤️❤️ Happy Valentines ❤️❤️
Part 2

Fidget did one too 😖😖😖

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❤️❤️Happy Valentines ❤️❤️

Hope your day is filled with love, joy, and happiness, regardless of your relation ship status!!!
Enjoy chocolate, hug a friend, Kiss a SO, Be kind to yourself.

Hope you all enjoy my Valentines gift to all of you!!!

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Its the jelly filled robo-gobo. She has a bra on this time, maybe she has nips now idk, maybe they just like they way it looks, but man has it been been too long since I drew her.

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Happy Valentines Day to all my fellow degenerates out there. ♡ From all the girls to you!

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Wow, I'm blown away! Thank you all for your support and helping me grow!

Got the paint out for this milestone. Hope you all enjoy it! I know Elodie didn't...at least that is what she said. Hard to tell.

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SO ya a little late on these but ya, some alts of the blue goblin mom. After new years and birthday stuff I kinda pushed working on these back till now and only after finding out about when its over.

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Here's a lil reward for all the hard workers out there today!! 🥵I hope this dance practice tease will see you through the week~ 💚

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I am making my first official post on my girl Frida because I'm obsessed with her 💖

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Also some different color versions of the apple goblin and a stemless version

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Apple Dump-truck cake Goblin
Another quicker drawing I was recommended to draw. I should have googled (and by extension she should of googled) what a Apple Dump cake looked like before cake-ing her butt

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BATTLE TRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Here's a goblin with a big ol drink. Another one of the things my friends recommend I draw on my birthday but since I took a lil break I spent more time on her.

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