Nope, I'm not done with today! I did this sketchy thing as a cinematic/storytelling/comic exercise. Same buff Zandalari guy as before - almost from front view!

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Sketch rápido de Rahwa, mi zandalari cazadora (y probablemente el único pj Horda que vaya a tener)
PD: No se NADA de trols, sólo se que los Zandalari molan.

6 23

"I got voodoo I got whodo I got things I ain' even tried! An I got friends on the otha side~"

Sahruma and Razani. c:

1 5

My Boy Zaieth - Zandalari Druid. Done by

35 101

Pandaren serpent riders strike at the Zandalari trolls (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

0 1

I just wanted to delete overcollected brushes but anything went wrong

8 30

I would like to throw in my Death Knight Zandalari <3
And for poking her <3

0 6

I don't draw hardly anything WoW-related anymore but I do actually play and I do love my characters.

Trolls are weird and annooying to draw and I don't like the hunched look, so....whatever. Zandalari don't slouch, why should the Darkspear? (and only the men, bleh)

2 4

it feels like ages ago when I last doodled something for myself and this asshole has been being loud ever since he learned he's getting made in-game once I manage to unlock Zandalari so here he is :)

18 59

I love having more hairstyles, variety is ALWAYS welcome.
HOWEVER I also want less hair... in the form of more female characters having the option of being completely bald.
Orc & Dark Iron have it, and I love it.
I would like it on Trolls, Zanda Trolls, and Mag'har too.

2 28

One of my absolute favourite Zandalari NPCs is Alun'za and I love gold on Zandalari, so I wanted to channel her and wear as much old as possible. :)

Thank you!

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If you felt like playing with a belf and Zandalari troll Azzy and Kohuc are willing

Art by

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Haciendo bocetos al tun tun me ha salido una trol la mar de maja. Igual debería hacerme un horda zandalari...

6 36

It's happening! After doing quests all day to get Zandalari, the thing that was really on my mind was how pretty the Blood Trolls are. Don't you think?

A WiP of a Blood Troll lady :), will eventually render and add jewellery!

0 4

Portrait of my gal, Je'kana

4 10

Le saviez-vous ?

Il y a des millénaires, un troll insensé invoqua le loa Hakkar en Zandalar, libérant un fléau de sang corrompu tuant des milliers de trolls. Après la grande peste, certains s'accrochaient à la magie du dieu du sang, et furent connus sous le nom de troll de sang.

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