"Me and the boys, on our way to die for the Emperor."

The Death Korps of Krieg go to show just how whack WH40K can be, and I love it.

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"In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement."

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Some fancy Fallen logo stuff I made back in April, but only now deciding to share. They're also not the original size here, they've been downsized to 25% original canvas size, for personal reasons, but they've still good quality either way

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Does anyone have Inq Greyfax’s sword going spare? If so hit me up in the DMs as I’m needing another for a conversion project. .

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The Sisters of Battle are pretty dope.

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(Reupload) I don’t think Sivier would have a traditional helmet considering he doesn’t really have traditional MK III armour either, all artificer and specially crafted to fit him. So let’s just…Toss this here ah ha

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Time for what you have all been waiting for! My 500 Follower giveaway!

Ever wanted to see yourself as a WH40k or D&D character? Well, one lucky winner will get the chance to have an illustration of exactly that!
Rules to Follow (1/2)

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would you show some warm love to a poor girl? wh40k Skiitarii Ruststalker
2018 drawing of when i started, kinda old but fits all the mechanicus babes

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Я хотела рядом нарисовать Жиллимана, но он кажется не влез. В кадр.

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Was commissioned by a friend to draw her husband's Angels Sanguine OC!

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