Highlights from the with Maija and Ville, Alioramus, Shengjingornis and Xenoceratops

13 69

Highlights from the Anurognathus, Arctops, Kaprosuchus and the real Megalodon.

24 65

Highlights from the Pachycostasaurus feasting on Leedsichthys, a Scalacurvichthys for Sinopterus picking fruits from a stream and sleepy Tiarajudens.

31 108

The rest are done and both made in Autodesk SketchBook and Procreate.#Paleoart

0 6

Highlights from the Atlasaurus in a canyon, Dinofelis portrait, Herrerasaurus hunting dragonfly and Parasaurolophus in the evening.

5 61

Highlights from the entry (without reference), Tylosaurus with hemipenis out, Archaeotherium being undecided what to think of all this, and a hiding Guanlong with feathery crest.

13 52

Tonight's small had not so many sketches in the end but I like them all very much. Sleepy Dimetrodon, tidal pool fishing Tanystropheus, fluffy Heterodontosaurus and a shy Acausaurus.

18 64

Happy Easter everyone! Highlights from the Geikia, Sarcosuchus, Magyarosaurus and Maiacetus.

16 58

Highlights from the Bothriolepis aquarium, Emausaurus, Creatosaurus, Kaikeifilu.

12 67

Highlights from the Old and sick Centrosaurus, Indoraptor vs my Indoraptor, Oviraptor portrait and Yutyrannus at night.

28 111

Drawings from Joschua Knüppe's stream last night.

0 3

Drawings and sketches from Joschua Knüppe's stream last night.

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