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Highlights from the #paleostream with Maija and Ville, Alioramus, Shengjingornis and Xenoceratops
Highlights from the #paleostream. Anurognathus, Arctops, Kaprosuchus and the real Megalodon. #paleoart #sciart
Highlights from the #Paleostream. Pachycostasaurus feasting on Leedsichthys, a Scalacurvichthys for #SundayFishSketch, Sinopterus picking fruits from a stream and sleepy Tiarajudens. #paleoart #sciart @TetZoo @PycnoJoe
The rest are done and both made in Autodesk SketchBook and Procreate.#Paleoart #dinosaurs #extinctanimals #pterosaur #drawings #Paleostream #digitalart
Highlights from the #Paleostream. Atlasaurus in a canyon, Dinofelis portrait, Herrerasaurus hunting dragonfly and Parasaurolophus in the evening. #Paleoart #Sciart #dinosaurs
Quick sketch from yesterdays #Paleostream for the #CamptosaurusChallenge, no reference used. @GreyGriffon @anatotitan #paleoart
Highlights from the #paleostream. #CamptosaurusChallange entry (without reference), Tylosaurus with hemipenis out, Archaeotherium being undecided what to think of all this, and a hiding Guanlong with feathery crest. #paleoart #sciart #dinosaurs
Tonight's small #Paleostream had not so many sketches in the end but I like them all very much. Sleepy Dimetrodon, tidal pool fishing Tanystropheus, fluffy Heterodontosaurus and a shy Acausaurus. #paleoart #sciart #dinosaurs
Happy Easter everyone! Highlights from the #Paleostream, Geikia, Sarcosuchus, Magyarosaurus and Maiacetus. #paleoart #sciart #WHALES #whalewatching
Highlights from the #Paleostream. Bothriolepis aquarium, Emausaurus, Creatosaurus, Kaikeifilu. #paleoart #sciart #dinosaurs #mosasaur #placoderm #jurassic
Highlights from the #Paleostream. Old and sick Centrosaurus, #JurassicWorld Indoraptor vs my Indoraptor, Oviraptor portrait and Yutyrannus at night. #paleoart #sciart #dinosaurs
Highlights from the #Paleostream, very old fashioned tonight. #paleoart #sciart #dinosaurs
Drawings and sketches from Joschua Knüppe's stream last night. #paleostream
Sketches from @JoschuaKnuppe 's stream yesterday. #paleostream