is now available for and paperback on no preorder required! Don't know what to get people for Christmas? How about a book they know nothing about! Better than socks and gift cards! -Kindle -PB

285 184

It might be too late for Christmas, but it's never too late to treat yourself!

Grab yourself The Pride today! Available on Amazon, ComiXology and at

Bringing superheroes for everyone! Because

RT and share!

5 7

It might be too late for Christmas, but it's never too late to treat yourself!

Grab yourself The Pride today! Available on Amazon, ComiXology and at

Bringing superheroes for everyone! Because

RT and share!

5 5

I also have Jakob who doesn't have hearts but.. he has neon green? And Spring, whose green af, and Kiwi.. whose is.. also.. green.. uhm.. Jade, Amazon, and Heart also have bright greens. I never noticed before xD I still like blue more though.. I think.

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Happy solstice! Reckoning 2 ebook is out at , Amazon, B&N!!!

13 24

Book of ideas by Radim Malinic arrived today courtesy of Amazon, time to put my feet up and read.

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GOLGOTHA is available for preorder via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound, and Indigo.

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WELL!! If it's on AMAZON, I guess I can post it to my Twitter. The sexy, SEXY cover for Armistice is here!

34 185

Forget humble-brag, I'm gonna BRAG-brag. I got to work with Dola Sun (NYT, Amazon, and Buzzfeed) on our latest piece.

1 2

ROAR! Ebooks for The Last Dragon Charmer VILLAIN KEEPER and QUEST MAKER are $3.99 on Amazon, B&N, and kobo!

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LTTRS, out now on Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play Music and Deezer. Bonus tracks only on Bandcamp!

6 28

Over on Amazon, there's a massive 20+ page preview of the Steven Universe art book so check it out and get a taste of the full thing!

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「響け!ユーフォニアム2」マウスバッド(全2種)の発売中♬♪♩ amazon,Yahooショッピングで。 ステッカーもありますよ

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To celebrate going live on Amazon, u also get a free PDF of the book, a 6" x 10" print, & a 4" x 6" logo sticker!

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Rana Foroohar writes in the FT on the unhealthy 'super-star' power of the US tech giants Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google.

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Illustration "Diego, One Lonesome Cat" by , available in paperback& ebook on Amazon,CreateSpace,#kidlit,#cats,#scbwi,#pets

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If you can't find our mag in Sains. search Comic Relief Crafternoon on iTunes,Amazon,G. Play & Zinio for a digital copy

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