Here is a commission I did for a client's DnD Dark Elf. This is the first artwork for the character so it was super exciting to be the first artist to flesh out a character from words. Hope you like!

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Efferil Domakiir, the lady of Conclave.
A drow woman ruling an above-ground city with her beautiful wife, Baltana Domakiir.

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Have a little Jorven!! He's bored, because I did this while skype took 40 ungodly minutes to install <3

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Mi OC druida rediseñada, 3.0
Tras 4 años de partida creo que ya le tocaba. Versión elfa salvaje y version drow. 😁

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More ‘Getting back in the swing of things’ warmups. This is my Dnd rouge, Nyx ✨


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I wanted to practice perspective and I hadn't drawn Violet in a while.

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