Prompt22; STRANDED ✒ Stranded alone on Mars? Keep calm and make some potatoes.

お題22こ目✒ オデッセイより「どこへ行っても僕が1番だ」


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“Dexpresso Anyone?” ☕️Hi ⁦⁩ a Dexpressobot as promised! Wishing Everyone a wonderful “Almost Friday!” 😺☕️❤️

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Today's drawing stars one of the members of the crew in amazing series. As I said a couple of days ago, the prompt from the challenge is to blame for these robotic

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No.20 "Bubbles"

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This week's prompt in the challenge was and this is what I drew. I could spend all week drawing robots though, so there might be more coming... if I find the time. I hope I do, because this is one of my favorite prompts so far!

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New timelapse video! "Spear Dancer," character based on Inktober 52's Week 17 prompt, "Yellow." Originally ink on bristol, watch it being painted in CS6 as a timelapse:

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Guess this egg is still fresh as it’s not a floater 👍🏻
Bit late for but a bit early for took the opportunity to combine the two.

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Inktober - prompt 20: bubbles. Playing with different brushes and styles lately. Here's that adorable creepy bunny, Coco 💙

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- I picked because she is a feminist and an animal defender, has a very strong mind and is way ahead of her time !!

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It took me years to realize that this song my mom would sing to me during bathtime was from a musical called South Pacific, and not actually about all the gross boys in my Kindergarten class.

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This week's prompt in the challenge was and this is what I came up with.

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