Мой любимый любимчик, хорош в чем угодно, даже одежду в новые проекты подбирать не нужно

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I've just finished a new portrait of my OC Ellywix
Quite happy with the result!🧁

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Remaking my 2nd character

Name: Skylar


🌈Have a good morning/night💞

💗God bless you!💛

ଘ(੭ ᐛ )♡

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Ok i create a new character :3
I start with her design.
The background story and her name will follow. :3

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Just a little addicted to a game of dodgebrawl!!

Thanks to the people over on for creating such a fun and exhilarating game!!

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Ель и Рио, как только удочерили Машу, повезли ее (и Сашу естественно) на море, так как она там никогда не была :"""}

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fukinride and friend of sky color
mycharacter design
Check out my designs at TeePublic! https://t.co/2ipAjQtRZN

instragram : https://t.co/OUKyDdF99Z

youtube subscribe :https://t.co/FBEQEp2EGC

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