Ducoup voilà la version "détaillée" je suis tj en PLS au niveau des cheveux je saurais jamais les colo T_T sinon j'ai essayer de colo (sauf les cheveux refait sur SAI pcq c'était pire) sur CSP, mais j'suis trop habitué au brush de SAI rghgrugh

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j'aime bien Jérémy comme autant que le reste de la bande voala moment nostalgie

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Je n'ai pas encore trouvé de nom à ce nouveau Walldryx mais, ça ne saurait tarder ^^'
Ce Walldryx adore jouer de la Batterie !

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I have no idea why I drew this and especially not why I drew it twice, but enjoy

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« Qui saura avec de pauvres mots, nous montrer la grâce dans toute chose. »

Joël Vernet
(La vie nue)

Augusto Giacometti

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Steadfastly living in the past, and back with a second installment of my fringe dino series (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, have a look for my recent Alamosaurus post.) Introducing the Chindesaurus. Full text on my FB and Instagram 🦕💛🤓

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Idk what to draw. Have this catasauras-Rex.

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I should really start giving this account like... consistency or something. And not just draw whatever comes to my mind.
Anyway here is a T-rex girl cuz why not?

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fuck it. heres 2 really quick session sketches.

1. someone got nervous in the hot springs surrounded by cute guys.

2. one big explosion. so many dead people

cast here
Hiro (vulpini saurai) = me
Revenus (dragonborn barbarian) =
Ardent (naga cleric) =

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Adios, 1959, Antonio Saura.

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Line art for both designs are available to purchase as well. They will be emailed in a transparent png file to you.
$20 each but might be will to negotiate

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