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[✨NOUVEAUTÉ MANGA✨] Dès le 13 Novembre découvrez ASHEN MEMORIES, notre nouvelle création originale! Ce signé Elena Toma clôture le bal des nouvelles séries de 2019! Embarquez aux côtés de Néala dans ce galactique! https://t.co/IPyDjKIrQx

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I’m still alive! School started and so I have only a lil free time now ;;
I’m trying to draw a bit but I have no inspiration, it is always like this when school starts *sigh*
Anyway I drew something!

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Hey guys do you know the name of this shojo ? It looks pretty cool 😍

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Yona, Princesa del Amanecer ha sido escogida como el mejor shojo durante los premios del ¡Menuda alegría le vamos a dar a Kusanagi-sensei! 🌸💫

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Also! I draw this webcomic that is like a loveletter parody to shojo manga and about a big break up I had lol x https://t.co/hF8OlCDhwO

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On a whim I started rewatching a shojo anime I loved in middle school... ❤️❤️ ❤️

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A little for -sensei.
I enjoy Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun so much!!! And my fav is Mikorin. 🥰🥰♥️
Your works can make me laugh even on my bad day. Thanks a lot, sensei.
どうもありがとう, 先生 ♥️

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[✨SORTIE MANGA✨]Le 15 Novembre marque le retour du très attendu Dans ce tome 2, vous emmène au cœur du passé sombre et obscur du démon Aghyr, et du mystérieux pacte qui le lie à Rin, toujours déterminée à retrouver sa sœur disparue!

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[#Numérique] Il paraît qu'il y a de belles exclusivités à retrouver chez les e-libraires ! Je dis ça, je dis rien. 😉

Bonne journée tous le monde !

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Pioneer of bishojo (cute girl) manga, father of lolicon and alcoholic, Hideo Azuma passed away at the age of 69 due to esophageal cancer. Created Little Pollon, Nanako SOS, Disappearance Diary, etc. We would have no moe culture if it were not for you. R.I.P.

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misc shojo fight stuff and scribbles... still thinking a lot abt sara's suit in vol 7 and how i wished the other senpais got to wear suits........ and some extra stuff

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Edisi nostalgia!
Ya ampun Mas Kulin ini kok lembut dan shojo banget yah? Wkwkwk
I think every illustrator have their own unique way to interpret characters tho ✨ as for me back then, i interpreted Kulin as cowo ganteng polos nan baik hati, tapi juga bodoh dan bloon2 gitu..

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shojo fight stuff bc a new eng vol came out and i missed the kids.... and loved the goth principal a lot................

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reaches its end. Check out my to see why it's one of the best shojo series of the 2010s. https://t.co/wsjNBexwbt

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