i think everyone should immediately comment or qrt with your favorite older piece of art, i'll start.
Witches' Sabbath/ 1798/ oil on canvas/ Francisco Goya
The Threatened Swan/ 1650/ oil on canvas/ Jan Asselijn.

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Eugène Delacroix (26 April 1798 – 13 August 1863) was a French painter

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江戸時代後期に高い人気を誇った名浮世絵師 歌川国芳(1798-1862) による連作武者絵のうちの一つ。
本作は、平安時代末期の武将 源義平(鎌倉悪源太)を描いたもの。

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Il 1798 nasceva Geologo francese che, con il collega Ours Dufrénoy, pubblicò la sostanziale carta geologica della Francia, Carte geologique generale de la France (1841). Nel 1847 presentò la prima mappa completa delle vene metallifere in Francia.

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John Singleton Copley, Studies for "Saul Reproved by Samuel for Not Obeying the Commandments of the Lord", 1797-1798 https://t.co/MzXbx6SJ7z

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“Cupid Sharpening His Arrows”, 1798, By Robert Jacques François Faust Lefèvre (French, 1755–1830).

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Non-Financial Advisor # 1798 was purchased for 0.001 ETH by

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Charles Meynier, Apollo, God of Light, Eloquence, Poetry and the Fine Arts with Urania, Muse of Astronomy, 1798 https://t.co/L8BBvmOPLd

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The Vision of the White Horse, 1798
by Philip James De Loutherbourg

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「国芳 美人画」

江戸時代後期に高い人気を誇った名浮世絵師 歌川国芳(1798-1862) による美人画。
五節句とは、季節の変わり目に行われる五つの年中行事のこと。本作は、九月(長月) 九日の「重陽の節句」をモチーフにした一枚です。

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Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, Los Chinchillas, 1797-1798 https://t.co/78TNxqUtXQ

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'Retrato de Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos', 1798 realizado por Francisco de Goya su estilo evolucionó desde el rococó, pasando por el neoclasicismo, hasta el prerromanticismo, siempre interpretados de una forma personal y original. Museo del Prado

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“Terribile è amore, spietato il mare, ma il mare / è acqua, l’amore è fuoco che brucia dentro”
—Museo, (dal mito Ero e Leandro)


J.J. Taillasson, Ero e Leandro, 1798

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1798年9月1日 ジャン=オーガスティン・フランクリンがパリに生誕。

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