
466 3017

📌 va morir Isidre Nonell (Barcelona, 1872 - 1911), un dels referents del Modernisme
▶️ A l'exposició ‘Els museus creixen’ tenim aquesta meravellosa obra seva, en dipòsit temporal d'una col·lecció particular:
✅ ‘Gitana’ (1905-06), pintura a l’oli sobre tela

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This the original illustration to 'Don't go into Mr McGregor's garden. Your father had an accident there and was put in a pie. ' Removed by a sensitivity reader in 1905. Good decision: children need protections that adults don't

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Doodle was just Dooplicated!

excellvault.eth used Rare Dooplicator

🔍 https://t.co/sGzeEK519g
💻 https://t.co/7qC5f9KQzm
🌈 https://t.co/FkAORruHUB

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February 11, 1905, birthday of Czech painter, book illustrator and palaeoartist Zdeněk Michael František Burian. His work played a central role in the development of palaeontological reconstructions 🦖🎨

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🎨 Édouard Georges Mac-Avoy dit Mac Avoy (français, 1905 - 1991)
Portraits de François Mauriac, Arthur Honegger, Henry de Montherlant

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« Dans chaque enfant il y a un artiste. Le problème est de savoir comment rester un artiste en grandissant ».

Mère et enfant ( Baladins ), 1905 Pablo

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Curiouser and curiouser: LUCY AND SOPHIE SAY GOODBYE, a comic strip from 1905 about two women who could never unclinch, despite external circumstances (in this case, a hurricane).

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Social realist artist Paul Raphael Meltsner (1905–1966 American). His work portrayed rural landscapes, industrial city scapes, and labourers at work 'Death of a striker' https://t.co/xKtvkce5PF

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Social realist artist Paul Raphael Meltsner (1905–1966 American). His work portrayed rural landscapes, industrial city scapes, and labourers at work 'Man + Machinery', 'Industrial Landscape' https://t.co/xKtvkce5PF

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透き通るプリカジュール エナメルが羽根に装飾されたコウモリのゴールドブローチ。 オーストリア製、1905 年頃。©Tadema Gallery

560 3113

Doodle Dooplication rights sold for 0.5 ETH ($ 830.29)!

Then doop'd with Common Dooplicator
Congrats tiziano1905!

🔍 https://t.co/uN77TTL6cH
💻 https://t.co/zm9RWuuh6G
🌈 https://t.co/9lNbrGM17M

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2 FÉVRIER 1905 1ère parution de la revue

BÉCASSINE est un personnage de bande dessinée jeunesse français créé par la scénariste Jacqueline Rivière et le dessinateur Émile-Joseph-Porphyre Pinchon

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