Here’s the frustration with these stories: The Beyonder continually talks about wanting to destroy the universe, so people either attack him or try to convince him not to, and then he uses their resistance as justification for what he was going to do anyway.

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Picking up from the end of Secret Wars II [M6274], the Avengers (minus Captain America) have been hurled away by the Beyonder in a powerful whirlwind! (I’m not sure how the previous crossovers fit into the timeline, but I guess the Beyonder can do anything!)

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Dani Moonstar attempts to beat the Beyonder honorably by counting coup, a Native American way of showing superiority without killing…but he responds by destroying her. “Of Professor Xavier’s school, of its youngest pupils…nothing remains…not even memories.”

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[New Mutants Mar. 1986] Oh good, it’s another story where the entire superhero team tries to kill the omnipotent Beyonder. I’m sure this issue will be much more satisfying than the other thousand times they’ve done this same plot! [#cmro M6275]

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Marsha faked her betrayal of Owen, hoping that it would make the Beyonder less jealous of their love, and thus less likely to destroy the world! But as the issue ends, he is still determined to wipe out the entire universe and all memory of its existence!

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It’s getting so tiring when almost every issue is another superhero team trying—and failing—to kill the Beyonder in an all-out attack. Plus we just saw when Phoenix had the Beyonder’s power and still couldn’t kill him, so what is Colossus going to do??

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The theme of this week’s logo is “new and former villains”: We have Puma in his Beyonder-killing form; the as-yet-unidentified Yellowjacket; the Porcupine (now deceased) who turned away from crime before he was killed; and the dutiful son, Ultron Mark Twelve!

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The Beyonder continues his conversation with Puma and Peter Parker from last issue: He points out that Peter has a clear sense of purpose and knows his role in the world, while Puma is conflicted and full of self-doubt. The Beyonder wants to help fix that.

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Le teaser du jour qui te ramène en enfance et à tes vieux Spidey. Coming soon!

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AN UNEXPECTED FOE FOR THE DEFENDERS ARRIVES FROM BEYOND! The DEFENDERS return this June. Stay tuned tomorrow to learn more.

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Very cool to see do an homage of this classic poster (1985) by (that I had in my room as a kid) for the upcoming series!

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So we get in the Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur cartoon and now him in Interesting!

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The Beyonder extra styles
Unmasked and crystalized styles as well as alternate visor designs and the rest of the Reality warper set.

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See what I mean?? Moondragon immediately goes back on her promise to the Beyonder. He should have immediately reappeared and taken his power back!

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In one of the weirdest Secret Wars II tie-ins, Moondragon summons the Beyonder because she needs extra power and promises to only use it for good. And then, as soon as she leaves, she vows to use it to destroy the Defenders!

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After killing them all the Beyonder retcons the New Mutants from existence… except Roberto, who was in Manhattan

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Meanwhile, Iron Fist is with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents planning to destroy the Beyonder’s. He finally realizes that everyone is lying to the Beyonder, and so he’s going to stop them from doing the wrong thing in the name of the “common good”!

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The Beyonder will be in this show?!
Now I'm even more stoked then I already was!

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