Giratina: Dad, Dialga and palkia are doing incest
Arceus: "heavy breaths"

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Never uploaded these here but just some Dialga art I did for a blog of mine

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Since I don't know how to follow basic instructions.

My favorite Legendary, Mythical, and UB!

Legendary: Dialga
Mythical: Arceus
UB: Pheromosa
Bonus: Yveltal

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Inktober Days 15/16

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time / Sky

My absolute favorite game growing up (Dialga reffed from that one sprite animation, you know the one)

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I wanted to draw something I could potentially sell as a print and ended up creating this!

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Day 8 of Mega Giratina! Following what I did with dialga and palkia, I wanted giratina to look weirder and alien amd to show a transition from its regular lengs to origin spikes

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here's day 7 of mega palkia! following what I did with dialga I wanted it to look more weird and alien, I but I think I need to emphasize that this are NOT meant to be redesigns of the origin formes

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ディアルガ / Dialga
パルキア / Palkia

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a much younger eri challenges dialga to a fight to prove himself

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483 - Dialga
Type: Steel / Dragon

Abilities: Pressure, Telepathy

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ディアルガ(Dialga) 擬人化

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I challenge you to do a hardcore Nuzlocke using this team: Altaria, Sylveon, Ralts, Wigglytuff, Dialga and Blissey!

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Run My Fade Pokémon Edition!

You have one Master Ball, you can only capture one of these legendary/mythical Pokémon.

Which Pokémon are you capturing?


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Dialga is fine I just wish palkia had its arms as well cause it just looks super awkward without them

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Loved them from the start, especially Palkia (wish I had seen that the first time I got to the cutscene rather than Dialga),
but as with most Pokémon, 3D models with smooth shading gradients and no outlines do their designs a huge disservice.
I mean look at this instead!:

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Some progress pics! It's kind of unfortunate that the foliage and Zorua obscures some of the detailing on the stone, but you can still see the Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina motifs

This is only like the 3rd full illustration I've drawn in Procreate, so I'm quite happy with it 😊

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