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By,For,Of the FEWK; Collector's Air Drop #220131
또 멋대로 얹는 숫가락 이벤트! (매일!)
대상 : FEWK; Collector.
응모 : 1월 31일 23시59분까지.
방법 : 작품 감상/설명 댓글.
기초정보등록 설문 참조. https://t.co/J7QSyCOZ6m
상품 : @247diff 1점.
FEWK;ST는 인터내셔널 콩글리시 전설의 고향 사이버펑크 FEWK;고유의 NFT 스타일을 유지하며 100명의 캐릭터를 다룹니다.
FEWK;마스터 @whtdrgon글,
한국설화그림작가 @byShinytiger 그림.
NFT뮤직의도전자 @3PMmusicnft 음악
국문,일문,중문,불문. 22년 4-5월 목표.
The collaboration between Artist @IUMartist and FEWK;0060 consists of 7 works that reinterpret the worldview like a master. Among them, we introduce 4 image dictionaries. Thank you for reimagining FEWK;'s deep worldview with an excellent perspective.
🐯🌅#NFT Newyear #Giveaway 🌅🐯
올해 FEWK;4teens DDOGG를 응원해주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다✨감사의 마음을 담아 DDOGG 연하장을 준비했습니다✨따듯한 떡국으로 행복가득한 신년을 맞이하시길 바라며😊(⏰ 1/1 밤 24:00 마감)
1. @leehyunjung2019 팔로우
3. 댓글창에 지갑주소 적기
I'm going to introduce now is The collaboration Artwork of Artist @byShinytiger with FEWK;
[ShinyTiger X FEWK;0102&0083] Queen of Heart
The Queen(여왕) of(의) Hearts(하트) is a war hero and PTSD victim. Meet her and her interpreted through the work of her. https://t.co/1WuJVIs1LP
@spring__garret 작가님과 함께 한 이번 FEWK; 콜라보레이션 작품은 '가치'입니다. 오얏OYAT 토큰 팬아트 감사합니다! 무럭무럭 자라겠습니다!
[김지현 X FEWK; 0004] 가치 worth. https://t.co/FJTyDHHIQ8
I am very happy to introduce 'Dive', a joint work of Artist @EH21_Bitby and FEWK. looks like a diver in the water, but it looks like the wings, so it seems to represent drowning and flying at the same time, so meaningful.
[EH21 X FEWK;0043] 다이브 Dive https://t.co/eCOfP4qU5f
The theme of this collaboration between artist @kimnemong and FEWK; is 0019 card 'Worry Doll'. Artist's style is also wonderful, but I was surprised at the delicacy of the 'flowerpot' inside the worry doll.
[kimnemong X FEWK;0019] 걱정인형 Worry Dolls https://t.co/VslqLiJSe7
@SpielraumStudio writer worked with FEWK. The collaboration target is FEWK0015 OYAT!
[Spielraum X FEWK;0015] OYAT_HDH letter #3
https://t.co/DxSKqLaq9v via @opensea
@joe_artt and FEWK, who capture the wonderful challenges of popcorn through NFT; In particular, it is an honor to introduce the collaboration work of the 12th card dealing with DDOGG. YeeeeEEEE~~~!!!!!!
[JOE_ARTT X FEWK;0012] 똒 DDOGGs https://t.co/vFfrh3vYOO
[E-Jacca XFEWK;0050] 신전사 훈련교관 내리 Sinjeonsa drill-instructor 'NERI' . Thank you! @e_jacca;Artist of PiggyPing.
하얀용 작가님의 #FEWK; 세계관을 바탕으로 한 토끼 콜라보 당첨되었어요!!
너무 이쁜토끼 잘키워 보겠습니다!
"Artist Collaborations for FEWK; with" series first work with Artist @redmoo_art !! https://t.co/5gRCAMohvI