~ And another commission ready! Rock Pomeranian dog designs made for a great client of mine, Jake Redmond.

My commissions are open in case you guys are interested also! Just send a DM!

Please share and retweet! Thank you!

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Here's a couple more Fakemon I designed recently
Ireball, the Spiteful Pokemon - Ghost/Fire type
Ghoullow, the Empty Pokemon - Ghost type

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Here are a set of fakemon I made recently. Really proud of these designs:

Fancer, the Elegant Step Pokemon - Fairy/Fighting
Cydrac, the Cyber Dragon Pokemon - Elevtric/Dragon
Crustycean, the Salt Crusted Pokemon - Rock/Ground

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Volví a la ciudad, guess who has the PC back again baby! wooooo
En fin, esta es una tanda de fakemones que hice basados de una pagina de generación randomizada. No les tengo uso alguno pero pienso que son cools

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Pequeño comic que hice para dar un poco de contenido a esta cuenta xd

Pidieron a abbie que cuidara de nero ( bebe) pero el pequeño le da miedo los ruidos asi que los instintos maternos de abbie se activan

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Thaly pseudolegendaries
-Calamouth, the squid pokémon (water)
-Calamaw, the squid pokémon (water)
-Calamaty, the kraken pokémon (water/dragon)

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・ジナレラ かさたぬきポケモン
・シメーべ かかしポケモン

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・オンレイコン フルーツポケモン

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Redrawn Fakemon, currently unamed, but I loved the designs that came up using https://t.co/otXRV8wZ3V a site using AI to generate Pokemon! I highly recommend it, you can spend hours creating!

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Boodoof and Boobarel. Ghost/Normal type. The result of overhunting of Bidoofs.

A joke that became reality, and honestly I would LOVE to have this in my party.

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A quick sketch of an Furret Evolution I made. I'm struggling to remember that Japanese myth about a ferret or a weasel with a tail blade. i made it based on that. Normal/ Steel typed.

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I just finished this and I feel really happy about it. It took three hours and I'm just so happy. I'm experiencing an accomplishments high.

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Gothita Evolutions and Honedge Evolutions

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