Diesmal mit etwas mehr Herz und Farbe. Bin sehr glücklich mit meinem neuem Zeichenkram und dem Ergebnis btw :>

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Inktober 2019, day 20. Doughnut / Donut (depending on UK/US spelling!). I’ve used the ‘snack’ prompt from prompt list by furrylittlepeach Drawn in on the iPad.

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InkToBoar Day 19 - Sling. The salty cap’n Boar-us were injured but took heart in returning to Hogstooth Cove!

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So for today's Sling I drew SOGEKING. Is it that obvious that I'm watching One Piece again? I think so. Anyways, I made him in digital because I fucked the handmade one. Anyways, have that.
Yes I found the reference on Google

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Last few Inktobers. These are probably the last I’ll do with the prompts because I’ll be traveling. 💕

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A cool Robo-Bat-Winged girl with Robo-Boot-Claws that are connected to her neuronal system so she can use both wings and claws like they’re a part of her body~ 🦇

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Tried something else for today since I felt inspired. I'm not used to paint this type of skin so feel free to tell me if you see what to improve. I included my line art separarly 😘

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Second to last idol is November. He enjoys breakdancing in his free time. Until he joined MUNTHS, he did many odd jobs to help his mom take care of his siblings. He wants to become an idol so that he (and his family) can live comfortably.#Inktober19

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Tortuga Carey (Eretmochelys imbricata)

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