Happy and !
I'm Charlie, I make fanart and original content centering disabled, LGBT, and black characters!

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After Kano come out as LGBT, Ayano would always buy a bunch of presents for him on pride month because she is proud of him

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I'm a disabled, LGBT, BIPOC artist 😁 I'm making a webtoon to be released this fall!

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Oie, boa noite, feliz restinho do mês do orgulho LGBT, eu analisei bastante e cheguei a conclusão que sou intersexo (e nb) (Eu realmente gostaria do diagnóstico, mas n sei se consigo convencer minha mãe) ent vou compartilhar antes de acabar o mês msm, tenham uma boa noite bbs

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Dá uma olhada na capa da Retrospectiva 2021 - parte 1.
O arquivo vai ser postado aqui no FB e no nosso Twitter dia 28/06 - dia do Orgulho LGBT, com republicação dia 30. As 18h00.

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Happy I drew the FNAF characters in pride shirts a couple days ago! Remember if you like Scott or don’t now, it’s okay. You form your opinion. I don’t think he hates the LGBT, but if you’re hurt by what he’s done that’s ok.

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Vou aproveitar o mês do ~orgulho~ para movimentar e postar meu quadrinho de 2017, PQ CA? É sobre ser adolescente LGBT, ter buceta e gostar de quem não deveria, não saber o que se é. Navegar masculinidades. Ter medo. Na época eu tinha ctzas que hoje já não tenho, mas gosto da HQ.

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Descubrir que era Bi fue algo dificil para mi. Tuve muchas dudas al principio pero cuando lo acepte, mis problemas de autoestima empezaron a desaparecer. En este perfil apoyamos a la comunidad LGBT, por lo que bloqueare a quienes hagan comentarios xenofobos y discriminatorios.

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Hice este dibujo por el día LGBT, y voy a hacer más si puedo de otros géneros, espero que les guste.
Ah estos fc's son míos y los puse xq hacen linda pareja 💞.

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have a good pride month gamers
(these arent all my ocs who are lgbt, just the few i remembered off the top of my head for this sketch hahaha)

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Feliz mes del orgullo lgbt, próximamente... la diosa Amity

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Lanzará edición especial de con artistas para conmemorar una década del lanzamiento del disco; el material saldrá a la venta el próximo 18 de junio.🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🧑‍🎤

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Hi I’m Ev and how I identify changes every 2 seconds but I’m lgbt, that I can say :) happy pride month

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Apoie ,motive artistas lgbt, esse mês é nosso,eu sou um Garoto trans que desenha e essa arte é totalmente direcionada a todos os lgbt+ que foram descriminados,intolerados , desprezados ,algum dia nós iremos conseguir o nosso direito e renascer como uma bela rosa

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It's pride month!

All i want to say is that regardless of you're gender or sexuality,You're valid and welcome here

And those of you against the LGBT,all i have to say to you is fuck off.

Anyways,have a quick sketch of a HC i have for bass! (Aromantic)


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One year ago my twitter account was born. I didn’t realize then that this account would lead me to such wonderful friendships. Or that I would find a second home in the mental health, lgbt, and cartoon community. Thank you for following me. And I hope to keep improving.

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So I hear it's pride month!?

I'm not LGBT, but I am an ally, so I'm here for y'all if you need a chat or some support.

Shoutout to ShortArts for drawing this for me a few years back! Still love this piece!

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blue represent! i am. . all of the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBV) but blue is my main outfit. I am an androgynous transmasc VTuber with a bisexuality paletted design. My main goal with vtubing is to provide awareness and a safe space for all LGBT, ill and disabled. Debut soon!

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Happy pride month!

Ya po- son mis unicos Ocs LGBT, asi que minimo para hacer algo tho

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Yeah our EZ faves are LGBT, thats the truth

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