Nitrogen works as a mechanic for the MPA. He can make all sorts of weapons and gadgets in an instant to help MPA agents (including himself) out in the field! He just needs to find the right materials from objects or even enemies!

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has spent most of his life fending for himself in the streets and alleys of Minimus City, but his life changed the day he met Helium. As an agent of the MPA, he’s quick and light on his feet, and he excels in hand-to-hand combat!

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It's time to reverse the worldwide trend of declining biodiversity and defend & restore Canada’s Pacific Coast

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It still has that new car smell. (Map: DFO) "St. Anns Bank MPA"

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Inspiring artwork from the pupils of in special campaign for protected seabed and healthy seas

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The art of creating underwater apartments - lovely illustration reveals MPA magic

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