Suprasternal aortic view
- used in the evaluation of aortic aneurysms, dissection, coarctation, quantifying aortic regurgitation etc.

105 310

Microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern

Watch out!
These images aren't real CT/MR images!
Pixel by Pixel Handmade!✍️

4 10

Transesophageal views illustration. This is from a paper on peri-operative TEE for non-cardiac surgery, not an exhaustive list of all possible views.
ME = mid-esophageal, TG = transgastric

35 99

🤿🧠Imaging features of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy

🩸Hemorrhagic and 🌴non-hemorrhagic

📈The spectrum is expanding

311 1166

Tweet: renal sodium avidity in

Do you ever wonder what is happening in the kidney in Heart Failure patients? Here’s a short on renal physiology in HF (1/6).

189 458

تم إسعاف رضيع يعاني من انتفاخ في الجمجمة .
كذلك كان يعاني من
- الحُمّى
- الغثيان والقيء
- تيبّس الجسم
- عدم الاستيقاظ من أجل الرضاعة
ما السبب خلف الأعراض هذه برأيك ؟😟

1 10

Congratulations 🎉
500k subscribers omededo!

10 27

OER videos and medical education : Looking forward to being part of the discussion in the Journal Club starting at 1800 (UK time). What questions will be asked? What points of discussion will be raised?

0 2

Start out your week with this article from on “dome laminectomies” and their advantages in cervical laminoplasty, only on this issue of

6 25

Fluid-Filled Skin Lesions

33 119

Shaken Baby Syndrome
(Abusive Head Trauma)

Watch out!
These images aren't real CT/MR images!
Pixel by Pixel Handmade! ✍

20 65

Fisiopatologia: inestabilidad hemodinamica x taquicardia. Tto: chispazo (cardiov o desfib)

Conviértete en patrocinador en

6 26