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I did this back in 2007, and it’s of the Copy Cats from Kidd Video, a cartoon from the 80s I can literally watch on repeat till I die, plus I jam the soundtrack on a regular. #kiddvideo #koolkitty #shelion #fatcat #masterblaster #dicentertainment #sabanentertainment #mistajonz
Another update from 2010, but with a new background inspired by the game. Don Bluth has always been one of my biggest inspirations. #dragonslair #dirkthedaring #singethedragon #donbluth #animation #videogames #cartoons #80scartoons #mistajonz
Another update from 2010, but with a new background inspired by the game. Don Bluth has always been one of my biggest inspirations and the reason I went to school for animation. #spaceace #donbluth #animation #videogames #80scartoons #infantoray #ace #spaceacedexter #mistajonz
Another updated piece from 2011. Wily Kit and Wily Kat as they appeared in that series. #thundercats #thundercats2011 #cartoonnetwork #tedwolf #rankinbass #studio4c #anime #thundera #thundercatsho #mistajonz
The wife @ONeillJones just reminded me that today was Mario day (Mar10) and that I hadn’t done any Mario art for the day. Well here’s a quickie. #supermario #supermario64 #supermarioodyssey #mar10
#mar10day #nintendo #nintendoswitch #mistajonz #supermariobros
Originally from 2007 when Crysis was released on PC. Only difference is now I painted a new background and adjusted the levels as well as added some small weather effects like rain. #crysis #crytek #ea #electronicarts #videogames #ps3 #xbox360 #mistajonz
Adjusted the lighting some. Another throwback piece from a few years ago. I should do more Talespin fan art. #talespin #rebeccacunningham #mollycunningham #wildkat #disneyafternoon #disney #cartoon #mistajonz #artistsoninstagram #instaart #instaartist
This is several years old but I still like it. #legendofzelda #windwaker #legendofzeldalink #nintendo #nintendowiiu #nintendogamecube #mistajonz #videogames #instaart #instaartist #artistsoninstagram
Always drawing stuff from my childhood because I just can't let go. This Aero the Acrobat is pretty old but I still like it. #aerotheacrobat #iguanaentertainment #segagenesis #sunsoft #supernintendo #davidsiller #nigelcook #mistajonz #artistsoninstagram #instaartist #instaart
Three days, several sittings, approximately 16 hours total, Photoshop CS3, Wacom Cintiq tablet, several cans of Cherry Coke, 10 episodes of Pole Position on repeat and I'm done! #sega #sonicthehedgehog #segacd #segadreamcast #segagenesis #retrogames #mistajonz #soniccd
Japanese brush pen, scanned and colored in Photoshop CS3 for Sonic, background with Wacom tablet at Corel Painter X with edits in Photoshop CS3. #sonicforces #sonicthehedgehog #nintendoswitch #ps4🎮 #playstation4 #sega #hoobastank #sonicteam #mistajonz #sketch #comic #xboxone
Remembered I needed to finish this. Took several hours but it’s finally done. Scanned inks, Photoshop CS3, Wacom Cintiq. #starocean #staroceanlasthope #edgemaverick #reimisaionji #ps3 #xbox360 #squareenix #triace #videogames #jrpg #mistajonz #playstation3 #scifi #anime #manga
In response to @BlackNerd in his Black Panther review on YouTube where he asked someone to do fan art of “The Blue Panther” lol! Keep up the awesome vids Andre!!! #blackpanther #smurfs #gargamel #peyo #bluepanther #MovieReview #blacknerdcomedy #mistajonz
Something I’ve wanted to draw ever since Sonic Unleashed was released years ago and I made it to the Dragon Road stage. #sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonicworldadventure #sonicunleashed #dragonroad #sonicteam #playstation2 #playstation3 #xbox360 #nintendowii #mistajonz #cartoon
Some Ys (eess) VIII fan art. Colors finished! I really need to stop drawing and start chipping away at my video game backlog, including this one. #ysviiilacrimosaofdana #nisamerica #nihonfalcom #videogames #manga #anime #adolchristin #dogi #laxia #sahad #mistajonz #jrpg #ps4
Pretty sure I just colored someone’s childhood. Photoshop CS3. #yuyuhakusho #yusukeurameshi #botan #kazumakuwabara #hiei #kurama #yoshihirotogashi #shonenjump #anime #manga #mistajonz
Link and Zelda from Breath of the Wild, one of several new pieces I started earlier. Photoshop CS3, Corel Painter X, Wacom Cintiq. #legendofzeldabreathofthewild #nintendo #nintendoswitch #nintendowiiu #hyrule #videogames #anime #manga #fanart #link #princesszelda #mistajonz
FINISHED!!! Damn near killed my computer painting this. So let’s see I probably spent over time about 34 hours on this nonsense. #idwtransformers #gcreationsrebel #autobots #transformers #robotsindisguise #morethanmeetstheeye #digitalpainting #mistajonz #cybertron
Finally finished this. #MegaMan #megaman11 #mistajonz #capcom #fanart #superfightingrobot #videogames
Nää on näit hetkii koiranomistaja kun kuolee söpöyskohtauksee. Mulla murisi maha ja koira kurkkaa nurkan takaa pää kenossa. Maha murahti toistamisee ja koira hyppäs päälle ja murahteli ja tökki mun vatsaa. Nyt se makaa mun jalkojen päällä ja kuuntelee mun vatsaa iha innoissaa :'D