oh my god. I don't pay much attention to the X-Antibody versions of Digimon because they tend to be way too overdesigned but Ogremon-X looks incredible. Look at him. They made him into a Metal rocker. I love him

0 7

I've been watching Digimon lately, and I've fallen in love with Ogremon so much, so I couldn't help myself drawing him XD

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Sin contar a los digis compañeros y a los que ya salieron en otros capitulos, como Coredramon y Ogremon, este ha sido de los capituloss con menos digimon hasta el momento, a diferencia del capítulo anterior que fue el que más digimon mostró.
1. Tuskmon
2. Tanemon
3. Drimogemon

6 67

7. Ogremon
8. Coredramon (Blue)
9. Whamon

A parte de estos, también aparecieron 4 digimon más en forma de estatua, pero prefiero esperar a que hagan su aparición como digimon reales antes de publicarlos por acá.

10 48

And of course this thread wouldn't be complete without mentioning the legendary who's played such characters as the Raikage in Naruto, Ogremon in Digimon Adventure, and of course Jet Black in Cowboy Bebop, among many other roles

81 450

Hone Konbou
Strong Maul

1 0

Fugamon: El Ogremon sin rival, ¡pero se lo vamos a buscar!
¿Qué Leomon creéis que le pega más a Fugamon?

Noticia de https://t.co/9LmOyAL4M4

3 5

Drawing real hardass lookin digimon being cute together is like..... cleansing. Throwback to this piece 👹💚 x 🦁🧢

14 33

New Digimon revealed: Ogremon X. Looking pretty gangster 👌

0 1

Que lire en ce début de semaine ? Détox, l'aventure de Matthias Ogremont par Jim & ! https://t.co/L6ACTWuRyf

1 2

Metaletemon, It's sad that he never had a redemption arc like Ogremon, he was a very cool character... that fucking sexy monkey XD

11 36

If Ralph was a kid, his partner would be Goblimon/Ogremon. They’re both knuckleheads :)

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