Caribou está se comunicando diretamente de Wano para a CP0. Ele vai fofocar para o governo...
Todos sabem que o Caribou sabe se comunicar com os Den den mushi e sabe dos segredos importantes para o mundo. Oda está guardando este personagem por um bom tempo... 👀

2 21

Les éditeurs de One Piece n'ont jamais autant hype un chapitre comme ça, je préviens juste soyez prêts pour le chapitre qui va beaucoup faire parler de lui car après ça One Piece ne sera plus jamais le même..

22 153

Same energy

Shoutout partypete in the discord for this gem 🤣🤣🤣

2 9

looking forward to Robin’s end of arc poneglyph reading

46 467

So Greenbull didn’t eat for 3 years because of photosynthesis since he’s a plant/nature devil fruit user

371 5924

Everyone waited for the real heroes to wake up to have the banquet. Top 2 MVP's dont get it twisted 🤝

63 705

We knew in this chapter that there is a tradition in Wano where you stop eating/showering in order to pray and make your wish come true.
Yamato did this to wish Luffy and Zoro get up.

Was Green Bull doing the same for 3 years? What could be his wish?🤔

32 331

No wonder Akainu looks angry every time we see him, when his subordinates are this nonchalant and takes forever to give a proper answer to a simple question

75 1519

Zoro and Chopper really have one of the best & most consistent dynamic throughout the series

430 3310

❤️🧡💛 Luffy siempre se sacrifica por sus Nakamas ❤️ 🧡 💛

41 384

Oficialmente Japón proclamó el 22 de Julio como el 'Día de One Piece'.
Otro de los increíbles logros de Oda.

El manga más vendido de la historia, récord Guinness, llegó al espacio, único manga en el top 10 de la ficción más vendida, segundo comic-book más vendido.

48 287