(Art and color by me)
Color project featuring a.k.a. (From VS Piotr a.k.a. (from Inferno based on Design)


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It's the first anniversary of the Craggonder plucking superhero movies out of space/ time and moving them to Battle Twitter to fight it out for the title of ultimate Super Hero movie. So without further ado, please enjoy part 1 of this encore presentation of

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Black suit Spidey! Stunning chest/eye paint but sadly at the expense of the back, but a more than acceptable stand in until a better one pops up.

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Would you just look at that GLORIOUS costume! Those colours are amazing. I love everything about this guy. My first foray past the initial 8 figures, the rest are going to be buggers. Bring it on.

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Seems fitting after that today’s offering is This single figure was the only Spiderman I needed throughout my childhood. Not THIS actual one obviously, mine would be a train wreck if I still had it.

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So..back from It’s good - has not broken superhero movies. There are shocks, bitter-sweet emotions and lots of fan service.
Looking forward to The New Mutants, but could Disney now bringing X-Men in-house bring us

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I think it could work
1. Would it work?
2. Could it happen?
3. Should it happen?
4. Would you be ok with it?

It happens in the comics

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Thank you for the chat and signing my comic at and thank you for inspiring 12 year old me to draw these (albeit terrible) recreations of it.

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If you loved Secret War as much as we did, you'll moving on the Motor City for our next guest.

Please join Motor City Comic Con in welcoming to this year's event!


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