Fellas I want to gush about my bowtieboyfriends ship a bit bc this is a rare pair I’m dying on the hill of.
So I call my male Golfer Chip but I’m still kinda thinkin over what hc names to give the Tall Tappers... I know the one I’ve drawn Chip with is the third in the lineup lol

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Imaging a re-skinned version of Tapper, starring Oprah. 😋
This game had a lot of good home conversions. I was more familiar with them than the arcade. 🤔

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Tapperhet is the name of her

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Also if you just need something good to listen to today, check out this video of Julian Briano y sus Hermanos performance. It’s very much a toe-tapper. Drawing by .


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FREE Tapper!

2 10

Tall Tappers:

The Shrimp Scamperes:

Cheer Reader:

Karate Joe:

9 28

So, the complete list:
1) Tapper 2) Raid on Bungeling Bay 3) Arkanoid 4) Mermaid Madness 5) Mission AD 6) Spy vs Spy II 7) Yie Ar Kung Fu 8) Raid Over Moscow 9) Rainbow Islands 10) Short Circuit 11) Equinox 12) Into the Eagles Nest 13) Cliffhanger 14) Hyper Sports (skeet shoot)

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A tomb tapper at the mythallar of Ythryn. A mythallar was a Netherese device that allowed access to vast amounts of raw magic.

📖: Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
🎨: Sam Keiser


0 18

Tapper and friends

The worst. The ABSOLUTE worst.

22 140

..even better (yes, you heard me) ..better than the arcade..
Tapper! 🍺

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Tapper and friends

Confident dwight.

30 302

Interesting find while ct scanning. This Clarias stappersii had eaten a frog, which, in turn, had a fish in its gut - a cypriniform by the looks of the pharyngeal jaw.

77 435

At first I was gonna challenge you on the space and loading time, but then realised "Oh, it's CodeTapper. If anyone would know, he would." 😁 I forgot how well presented Leander is. Obviously someone was into anime here. And it's got gorgeous art throughout. Nice platformer. 👍

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ooo another fankid,,the daughter of a tall tapper and the tap girl what ever her name is

i might name her Minie,,idk

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