Mi versión de dios mexica de la oscuridad y la obsidiana. Es una de las deidades mitologicas que mas me gustan, se dice que podia estaren todos lados juzgandote

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"Tezcatlipoca" AR oil painting Peyote Ugly -The Aztec Awakening collection.
(Owned by )

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Cipactli is the primordial monster, who inhabited the darkness of the night before everything was created. She was sacrificed by Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, Lords of Creation, and with Her body They created the Earth and the Heavens

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- Wotan
- Vishnu
- Thoth
- Atlas
- Fujin
- Iztauhqui-Tezcatlipoca
- Tūmatauenga
- King of Kings
- The Persistence of Nature

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Tezcatlipoca era tenido por verdadero dios e invisible, el cual andaba en todo lugar,el cielo,la tierra y el infierno. Decían que incitaba a unos contra otros para que tuviesen guerras y por eso le llamaban Necoc Yautl, que quiere decir“sembrador de discordias entre ambas partes”

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Aztec mythology/Tezcatlipoca


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- Surt
- Shiva
- Apophis
- Perses
- Raijn
- Yayauhqui-Tezcatlipoca
- Tāwhirimātea
- the Beast of Revelation
- The failure of Mankind

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The fifth & current sun is Blue Tezcatlipoca, also known as
Huitzilopochtli, god of war, the sun, & sacrifice. He was born from Coatlicue, the mother goddess. Ancient Aztecs made human sacrifices to nourish him & ensure his reign never ended.

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The fourth sun was Chalchiuhtlicue, goddess of water & storms, & also Tlaloc's new wife. When Black Tezcatlipoca accused her of faking her love for humans, she wept for fifty-two years, causing a flood that drowned all life on earth.

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This is a devotional image of Xipe Totec, “The Flayed Lord,” also translated as “The Bearer of the Skin.” He is the Lord of Spring, a manifestation of corn, and the patron of gold and silversmiths. He is a manifestation of Tlaltauhqui Tezcatlipoca, The Red Tezcatlipoca

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A veces olvido que Quetzalcoatl y Tezcatlipoca son enemigos, y que Tezca quiere matar a los humanos y destruir el 5to sol que hizo Quetzali.

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Algunas variaciones. Soy devota del Tezcatlipoca pelo corto y de la sonrisa de Quetzalcoatl

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Holi después de un largo tiempo aquí vuelvo con un nuevo dibujo de espero les guste

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Aquí rediseñado nuevamente a en su forma de dios y humano espero les guste

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Today in is day Acatl (Reed), governed by Tezcatlipoca.
Acatl is the scepter of authority which is, paradoxically, hollow. A good day to seek justice, a bad day to act against others.

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And aside from an ouroboros, in Aztec mythology, Cipactli was a primeval sea monster; a crocodile-toad-fish creature. The serpent, Tezcatlipoca, lost a foot to trap the beast and Quetzalcoatl created the earth from its body.

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