Her felsefe ya öncekine tepki ya da yöntem, söylem vd. biçimlerde önündekinin devamıdır. Felsenin sanatla diskur benzerlikleri, süreklilikleri vardır. Komet bir yönüyle karikatürist Roland Topor'un (1938-1997) devamıdır. Mecazları, algı ve çizgi dünyalarında benzerlikler ortaktır

7 19

Giovanna Fratellini (1666 -18 April - 1731) was an Italian painter-signora alessandro strozzi

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Thank you Ilknur!
-The left one is "Collector" handembroidery piece on objkt and
On right it's an autoportrait with pigeon juxtaposed.

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Nouvelle photo de profil ! Parce que ça fait pas de mal de refaire un petit "autoporctrait" de temps en temps.

1 17

Je déteste faire des autoportraits, mais je me suis dit que ça valait le coup d’essayer pour une fois !

1 21

DJパーティ、 vol.37


📹 https://t.co/1lVq3E2F1U


7 4

Ahora que algunas estáis queriendo curiosear sobre el juego de rol de Pokémon, permitidme enseñaros la putoportada que hizo para el juego.

8 20

DJパーティ、 vol.37


📹 https://t.co/1lVq3E2F1U


3 4

Nouvel avatar ! Je réalise de plus en plus de chibis personnalisés alors il était temps que je fasse aussi mon autoportrait (montrant ma double casquette "art traditionnel/digital" avec le pinceau dans une main et stylet dans l'autre 😆).

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Sacerdoce absolu, au clair de lune.

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A .rodrigues_54 fez esta linda Pintura no Pano de Copa deixou a criação ainda mais completa com um barrado feito com as estampas Floral Chic Verde e Serena da Estilotex. 😍👏

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Day 9 of Swordtember 2022
9. Floral

And here's an autoportrait, myself drawn as an harvest goddess.
It's a gift for me to me, because today is my birthday ! 🥳🎊

You can now have an idea of my face 😆

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Dar gato por liebre (= to give cat for hare)
It means "to cheat, trick, swindle".
I love learning new idiomatic expression!

1 15

I’m going through my drawing archives and I’m re-discovering so many WIPs, sketches and I wonder if there is any way to go back to them - maybe as warm-ups or as pauses. Many were left as is because of my health problems that have been going for a year.
ft. WIP of an autoportrait

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The Lovers II (1928) by Rene Magritte
Artwork by Roland Topor

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DJパーティ、 vol.32


📹 https://t.co/1lVq3E2F1U


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