Tacos Al Pastor (Tacos de Trompo)
So fun to see many Lebanese cultural influence here in México.

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Dar gato por liebre (= to give cat for hare)
It means "to cheat, trick, swindle".
I love learning new idiomatic expression!

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Botana (=Mexican snack)
Finally got to visit a little corner snack shop.
I got “Nieve” (literally means “snow” = shaved ice) and Chicharrones de Harina (= Mexican fried wheat chips)

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Last night, we were eating dinner at the restaurant, about half mile away from our house.
While eating, DHL truck pulled up. DHL man just smiled, handed me the package and drove away.
Another wonder of living in México.

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Here in Mexico, they use these cute pink caps to melt away gel nail polish.
They are functional, practical, ecological and super cute.
I wonder why in US they still waste aluminium foils.

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Heavenly sound: Rainbirds
They are not birds but actually insects like cicadas.
They have this melodic loud cry. And without failing, exactly after 6 weeks they started crying, we will have rainy season.

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The traditional Mexican stone grinder.
But it also means some dishes (soup/stew) come in the pot.

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Scene from a donkey ride in Chapala.
This young mother was holding her son by neck like a mommy cat and a kitten, while the boy rides a donkey.

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One of the cultural shock in Mexico : the size of mammogram
They literally print out the huge (I mean HUGE) images and give them to patients.

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