Opinion | Trump’s lackey, Lindsey Graham https://t.co/8rZ1gd9hdx

190 515

Preparing self-defense?

Barr is officer of Court. He’ll be held to higher standard & will be Trump’s fall guy just lIke Nixon’s AG; John Mitchell served 19 months in Federal Prison & was DIS-BARRED!!!

0 2

Afraid the bedrock of our democracy is under threat? Draw an avenger to go kick Donald trump’s ass. Which avenger would you choose?

4 2

Don’t let Trump’s self-serving rush to pull out of sell out Afghan and the advances made in democracy, etc. since the 2001 fall of the Taliban regime

0 1

“You could literally have 10 monkeys with flamethrowers go after the money, and they wouldn’t have burned through it as stupidly.”

— GOP strategist Mike Murphy, quoted by NBC News, on President Trump’s campaign money problems.

4 51

My exact face while watching Trump’s

1 4

I read that Trump’s doctor says will be able to safely ‘return to public engagements’ on Saturday.

Um, what?

Safe for WHO?

97 192

Today’s Citizen cartoon exposes best side. (Wouldn’t we all like to see the back of him?)

3 9

I love Barron Trump’s art.

0 18

Trump’s taxes reveal he is a fraud. But we knew that. Still doesn’t matter to his supporters though.

8 18

Trump’s Supreme Court choice - © Chappatte in The Boston Globe > https://t.co/T4AVsUVo3f

37 87


278 400

Hey! Getting lost in the news churn:

ICE hysterectomies like Nazi Germany.

because Republicans are ok with Putin bountying our troops.

“Losers and Suckers” Trump dissing our military.

The Woodward recordings in Trump’s own words downplaying a killer virus. https://t.co/RW0ExIa1Vf

176 184

Opinion | Trump’s coronavirus drip, drip, drip


84 246