Who would you choose to portray Death in Netflix's upcoming adaptation? 🤔🤔🤔

4 38

I just saw that this novel’s going to have a film adaptation?!! 😭😭😭

8 12

Which Touhou game would best for a movie adaptation? I think LoLK or SA mite b cool.

23 83

Nintendo wants to do another Warriors game but the choice is up to you. Which one of these 4 series is getting a Warriors adaptation? 🤔 Choose one! GO! ⚔️

257 936

launched on Netflix today with a new dub, but.. what happens to ADV's old adaptation? In her latest article, details the ongoing efforts to preserve dubs like Eva's and the hurdles that fans & industry alike face in their efforts https://t.co/wGfFsf31ck

3 3

Reisen Udongein Inaba in manga, anime, and netfl*x adaptation? 🤔

Bunny version not by me.

0 8

A new Fruits Basket' anime adaptation?
That's awesome news for me *____* <3

44 117

What’s your least favorite book to movie adaptation?

1 3

As that meme seems to be slowly conquering the internet, maybe it's time for a video game adaptation?

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So am I the only one that thinks would be a spot on (if not better) person to play Kratos in a Live-Action adaptation? No offense (YOU BOTH RULE!!!)

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Shocking fact (?) - The new Alicia Vikander Tomb Raider film is, with a 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, the highest graded video game based movie ever! Why can't Hollywood make a decent video game adaptation?

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Nico Minoru sketch
-Im a big fan of the Runaways comic during my college days
-Im 3eps in the live action show but Im having a hard time not to cringe...
-I think a teen-adult cartoon similar to Korra could work for a better adaptation??

3 7

Did somebody say Spider-Horse adaptation?

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Is it really happening? Are humans causing it? Mitigation or adaptation?
<my cartoon | gallery https://t.co/0163VajLU3>

107 121

New Sakura anime adaptation? SIGN ME UP AAA 💟

23 38

Thoughts on the first look image of Scarlett Johansson in the live-action adaptation?

31 57