I am super excited for the future of both and , 2 of my
As far as I am aware, Natalie Haynes is doing a 📚 on and both are doing 📚 on my all time favourite in

5 9

In is the personification of the of She was, perhaps, a daughter of and according to some ancient cosmogonies, Achlys was the eternal night before

11 28

In is a associated with the Sif is the wife of and is known for her golden hair. Sif is named as the mother of the goddess by Thor and fathered by

1 5

In was the of the air that the gods breathe and was the of and the of His sister was the of They were the children of and

0 8

In was the of She was the daughter of the giant and of the River She was easily recognised by her golden sandals, and She was know to the as

4 18

In was the of & She is the daughter of and and the wife of She was the opposite of and was turned into a because of

7 17

Today is also known as The of the Dead. It is a multi-day which involves family and friends gathering to pray for and to remember friends and family members who have died.

10 21

Last night we had a In the or was the goddess of the full and the Earth-Nourishing Dew. She was the daughter of and the of the moon, Other names included and

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