also did a new emot for my twitch! :>

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uhhh da ist das absolut großartige Emot von der absolut tollen, großartigen und super cuten <3 so sieht klein dorem aus wenn er hunger hat oder kurz davor steht wenn zu fressen xD

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The model was not released yet when I drew this and the beauty mark was not on the emot and icon I took reference from. But there it is:

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This is my first emot for twitch but I’m cat with color black and red ears and tail.

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Should we release the new Chibi haruka NFT if you miss our Haruka Series? still thingking about this www
should we? maybe onlye 100 / 500? wwwww anyway this is emot for our discord (worked by my awesome team ) suprise will be at 13.

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-my6 dari para member yang lagi pada tugas, yang paling bikin kangen tuh youngk gasii? kaya dia tuh update tapi captionnya cuma emot kaya gaada kehidupan😭 kalo bapak sama doun kan ngetweet berbagi kisah😭😭

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main yuk, emot ke 3 itu ekspresi kamu pas ketemu karakter gepeng tersayangmu, kasih tau juga ya mau ketemu siapa😀👍🏼

sc: b!tter sweet marr!age

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pernah bikin satu emot kayak gini sini sih nder 😭 kalau suka style nya dm aja

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Teum! Aku bikin chibinya hyunsuk nih... Tau kan fotonya yang mana aja?😁😈 *biar hyunsuk bgt pke emot ungu*

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Hallo liebe Ako,

beim Neujahrstream von Ken und Owu habe ich einen Emot gewonnen, welchen ich mir für einen Streamerin meiner Wahl aussuchen durfte. Nun, ich hoffe du freust dich über s und mein Geschenk

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Will be kinda similar to my animated emot3s but half body chibi and was thinking about $60 for one? and maybe $250 for 5?

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Warming up.
Setelah lama tidak menggambar🙏🙏 (emot karyawan).

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Emot 😳 wkwkwk

Ini keren a

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emot api emot api

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