Heya! I am Thiago Radice, from Rio de Janeiro. I started the hashatag in the past weeks to post some jojo fanart every friday, keeping the Jojo friday fresh in our hearts. Please join me in this quest! https://t.co/JIxRlzP6xU

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Já é de novo! o/

Uma tartaruga pra hoje.

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Tá aí o JoBro dessa sexta pro meu Qual stand vcs acham que o Ceasar teria?

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ja terminei e só falta o fundo agora. Só vou postar finalizado mesmo na sexta, pq já começo essa semana com o Jojo Friday. Vou usar a hashtag ✌️

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New art Friday! Here is my latest aquatic creature done completely on the Surfacebook using Sketchbook Pro. Enjoy!

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Have a great weekend with loads of lovely colour: 'In the mix'. And many thanks for this week's likes and retweets - THANKS!💫🦋

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Another week has flown by and Agency Rush has that ! helps us fly out of the office with his uplifting illustration.


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Power of the dark side.

As long as the Power is keep growing I don't care if I'm feeding the darkness

art be me
friday art

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A quick digital sketch of a Christmas/Holiday Elf with her Christmas light bug friend. Done over on Twitch this afternoon.

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Xenomorphs, dinosaurs, and space-age sloths - oh my! 🙃🙂🙃
Douglas Pope is our Friday Feature this week, chosen for his whimsical art style.
You can check out more of his amazing gallery at https://t.co/bqL19oMWs6

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William the poet and Spike the Vampire.. Both sides, same man. 💖 Happy Artist

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art by you know I should be carefull on what I wish for after this

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Hehe I was never into baths anyways.. good luck catching me! art by

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Using colour, layering and transparency to experiment with Arabic letters. At what point does the information become illegible

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