Capricorn - Shura ♑
Saint Cloth Series Gold Saint wave 3 released early 1988
Artwork by

I remember, thinking about the sliced Dragon shield 😌
It looked funny...

52 375

I wish more of these
"Versus Battle" artwork were made by
One for each Gold Saints would have been perfect😌


128 637

Work in prog tonight is a tribute to my Midwest lineage & that adorbs corn on the cob kid.

1 2

"Happy !"
Couple of wonderfull piece by the talented .
Take a gander at her other stuff, she also does tabletop RPGs character art if you play.

13 55

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Winter 1987,
was a success, multiple goodies are produced for the Japanese market. Laminated cards, Shitajikis, Poster and stationaries were popular items in the 80s

This is an early set of "Ramicards" and the matching Poster from March 87'

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