This ones lines are a bit older. I think last year? O_O But I finally finished my arttrade with _hagelliot on Insta ^-^ Both OC belong to him! They are on a date 🥰

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I just noticed is trending.
This is great!
It's our time to shine. Weeee!
I am Kalfyra! An angellic risen dragoness. I honor those who do good in this world and seek to deliver them to a good future.
Here's my angellic form! ♥

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i pledge allegiance to the flag of. gellie <3

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I am Soma, a Yatagarasu who lost job to a thermostat in Hell.

Like the other Gods, I too, protect the world from the unending threats from the unknown, with my Endless Divine Armory!


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Your Erwin if he keeps on gelling back his hair and be stressed out because of the breakup

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The comic has a lot to introduce right away, and can be hard to focus on what is going on, I really feel like if it was going to be this dense it might have been better to start with find a problem in each issue then solve it, so far I don't feel it COMPLETELY gelling just yet.

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Wow!!!... What is That?... It's a Flower in Garden
Base by: AngelLight-Bases

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EVA unit 01 from Neon Genisis Evangellion.

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hi im swim (he/him) and my life's dream is 2 finally have a bath in gellibaff bc my mum wouldnt let me when i was a kid !!!!!!! 1 day ill get there

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I actually remembered to come back to this this time!

Hello dear, my name is Novus Angellite.

I am a Celestial being. I find enjoyment in what one refers to as mortal entertainment. There's a variety that I enjoy, though I try to keep it relatively friendly for all.

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hi!!!!! i'm swim, a neurodivergent mlm transguy from the uk!! im made of at least 78% gellibaff and im ur friend now!

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Welcome Bhric Gellie!

Bhric is a custom dnd race I made, and a Tranquility monk! He lived for years at the temple, helping raise two tieflings. When they decided to leave and start a circus, Bhric joined them!

IM: Bhric caught a cannonball and threw it back at the pirates.

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Cape for my My Little Pony fanfic project - The Magic of Change

"The story will take place after the changellings are reformed, where this unreformed changelling and pony offspring goes on a journey to find herself and find out more about the past of her father."

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Gelli yg selalu pake baju merah mungkin udh moroh

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Been flu-addled today but I had a Selkie character I wanted to draw. Here's my boy.

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Mermay entry 02

Gellie the mermaid

Another illustration that I made week ago. Wishing you all a light and relaxed Tuesday

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