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🎄My last drw for this year, I hope that this new year things can continue to improve for everyone, that we can achieve all our goals at our own pace🎄
#HAPPYNEWYEAR2021 #sharayanime #thanksforeverything
[Haru, Dai y Mena] - 1 of 5 draw - 🌟Special 600 sub on twitter🌟
Fanart by: #Sharayanime
Iniciamos con el primer dibujo de este listado :D Roxi pidió algo alusivo a su fic y aquí lo dejo.
#TobaccoandChanel #Special600subsOnTwitter #FKBU
🚨Merry Christmas for all (Fkbu version)🎄
🚔 by: #Sharayanime
🎄It seems that Snowman-Ryo & Santa-Kanbe are jealous because their "reindeer Haru" doesn't pay attention to them xD 🎄
#ไดสุรุ #Fkbu #富豪刑事BUL #大春 #春大 #春江 #Daiharu #Harudai #Harusuzue #MerryChristmas
'Gekkakoku Kiiden' de Tooru Himuka ocupa la portada de la Asuka de enero además de una portadilla a color. 'Hyakunen to Majo' de Harayasu y 'Mr. Mallow Blue' de Akaza Samamiya también se lleva color.
In context xD: This drawing arose, as a result of the dubbing in Latin Spanish of Funimation of this series, the actor who plays Might in BNHA is the same for Cosmo xD
#Cosmo #ALLMIGHT #CosmoAllMight #Funimation #BNHA #Parpody #Funimationlatinoamerica xD #fanart #Sharayanime
🚨Week (re-late)19 : #การพนัน / #เสี่ยงโชค / #Gambling
From @Daisuru_weekly by: #Sharayanime
Trad. en 🇨🇴🇪🇸:
🌸¡Yo puedo solo, Kambe!
💴Eres patético en apuestas, Kato.
#ไดสุรุ #Fkbu #Daiharu_weekly #富豪刑事BUL #大春 #加藤春 #神戸大助 #Daiharu #Daiharusemanal #Apuestas
🚨Week (re-late) 18 : #ฮันนีมูน / #Honeymoon From
@Daisuru_weekly 🚔by: #Sharayanime
resuming the weekly (two weeks late) for me, they got married in 🇬🇧 )
#ไดสุรุ #Fkbu #Daiharu_weekly #Daisuru_weekly #富豪刑事BUL #大春 #加藤春 #神戸大助 #Lunademiel #Daiharu #Daiharusemanal
If you need a fix of nature right NOW, but can’t get out, check out the work by Sharayah Engelbrecht 🌲
🎃Día 05 (Leyendas) #HalloweenVictuuri 💙💜
🎃By: #Sharayanime
El que sea Latinoamericano sabrá la referencia xD
#VictorNikiforov #YuuriKatsuki #YOI #YuriOnIce #ユーリonICE #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ #ВикторНикифоров #勝生勇利 #VOCALOID #ボーカロイド #LaLlorona
🔥¡Disfraces y cosplays! (Mission On Fire) Parodia por Halloween🎃
🚨Read my Spa-fic: https://t.co/h5HbUXNFVM
Bueno y este fue el dibujo ganador, los lectores pidieron Vic-fem como Kula y alli la tienen xD
#PoliceAU #MOF #Sharayanime #YOI #VictorFEM #YuuriKatsuki #KulaCosplay
🎃Día 03 (Creepypasta) #HalloweenVictuuri 💙💜
🎃By: #Sharayanime
¡¿Alguien le gusta esta song?! veamos si adivinan la referencia
#VictorNikiforov #YuuriKatsuki #YOI #YuriOnIce #ユーリonICE #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ #ВикторНикифоров #勝生勇利 #VOCALOID #ボーカロイド
🎃Día 01 (Hasta que la muerte nos separe) #HalloweenVictuuri
🎃By: #Sharayanime
Tarde con los dibujos, este fue del día de ayer xD
#VictorNikiforov #YuuriKatsuki #YOI #YuriOnIce #ユーリonICE #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ #ВикторНикифоров #勝生勇利
🚨Week 17: #Weeding from @Daisuru_weekly
🚔by: #Sharayanime
Note: I'm late with this (and I'm down with two weeks) I must catch up! well, those gentlemen for me got married in England xD
#ไดสุรุ #fkbu #daiharu_weekly #daisuru_weekly #大春 #加藤春 #富豪刑事BUL #富豪刑事 #Daiharu
🌟Vitya Pirate /Victor pirata💜💙(Artrade ver⚓️) by: #Sharayanime
here is the request that Mysti entrusted to me.
Her Victor pirate only that Rudeboy & sexy xD or so I tried to do
#VictorNikiforov #YOI #YuriOnIce #ユーリonICE #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ #ВикторНикифоров #pirate
🌟AU Warner brothers "Le Victuurie" version 💙💜 xDDDDDD by: #Sharayanime
Ok... Im not serious for draw this!! xDDDDDDDDD
#YuuriKatsuki #VictorNikiforov #YOI #YuriOnIce #ユーリonICE #勝生勇利 #ヴィクトルニキフォロフ #Vicyuu #ВикторНикифоров #Pepelepew
🔔Chibi style (Commission) for Cindy
Easy (Lineart + Flat Color and simple shades)
Death Line: there isn't, it's unlimited XD (?)
Art by: #Sharayanime
Mission completed, Lady!
#Commission #Easycommission #originalart #NewCommission #chibi
🌟#KOF_Redraw Mai Shiranui 🇯🇵 (color Fail)
🔔By: #Sharayanime
finally after many interruptions, I was able to finish my favorite fighter🔥
#不知火舞 #ShiranuiMai #MaiShiranui #KOF #Fanart #redrawchallenge #redraw #SNK #TheKingofFighters
#HappyBirthday #sailorpluto #SailorMoon #Sharayanime #fanart
[Tobacco and Chanel ] - Sketch 1 del Act. 3 - (Based in a Fanfic 🌟AU from FKBU) - en Español
Autora: Roxi
Leer fanfic: https://t.co/iiXnSqCKDC
Fanart by: #Sharayanime :D
#TAC #TobaccoandChanel #DaisukeKanbe #HaruKato #JimenaSoto #FKBU #FKBUfanfic #FugouKeijiBalanceUnlimited