Day 23 of my Wiltshire tour by photo - this is the magnificent hillfort of Bratton Castle, with the Westbury White Horse craved into the hillside. From this angle you can really see the detail of the ramparts wrapped around the hill

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'It may indeed be likened to an enormous many-limbed organism of an antediluvian time - partaking of the cephalopod in shape - lying lifeless, and covered with a thin green cloth, which hides its substance, while revealing its contour.'
Credits in comments.

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Some nice pictures of soil marks of the hillfort in Chruścin by Wiesław Stępień. Taken before A2 Motorway was build. The chronology of the hillfort is unknown. It wasn't excavated yet. Probably early Iron Age or early Middle Ages.

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FANTASTIC ! Brilliant news 👍👍👍 Sometimes fighting for a does indeed bring excellent results !! 😁😁😁

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British Camp a magnificent screenprint of the hillfort by the talented Tia Lambert on For more of Tia's work see:

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More images from the origian Danbury artwork for this time with fewer bell pits and more conflict 🤷🏻‍♂️

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One of my favourite paintings of a is by one of my favourite artists: Mount Caburn (1935) by – a view of (which, minus the horse-drawn ploughs, is as just as familiar today) that had from his studio

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It's (yay!) and to celebrate another form of monumental loveliness here's the slight 0.3ha enclosure emerging in very low sunlight photo: (c) NMR 15856/13

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A wonderful hillfort in Wiltshire. Oldbury Castle. A bronze age enclosure that had been extended and then developed into a hill fort. The views from here are stunning and the chalk undulations below the earthworks & monument are a treat for artists to paint.

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Brent Hill, South Brent
Lots going on on this little hill.

artefacts & enclosures
chapel & lynchets (NE)
~16thC beacon
~19thC 19thC & 20thC quarries.

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'Cause of my rumps, my rumps my rumps my rumps. My lovely, lumpy rumps.
Another spotlight goes to an aptly named cliff-castle in Cornwall, The Rumps. Glorious on a good day, but imagine inhabiting this promontory during bad weather!

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(whoops) VIDEO - One of Wiltshire's wonders, the magnificent Cley Hill Camp Iron Age hillfort, with bonus bowl barrows.

DTM generated by

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Dyn Sylwy - one of the largest hillforts on Ynys Mon (Anglesey). Note the (later) coastal limestone quarry in foreground - see link for more information from . Generated in

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Reconstruction of the probably Pictish outpost of Dundurn, Perthshire, by Peter Dennis, and the site today. Perhaps a key stronghold of the Pictish kingdom of Atholl, it was torched in 682.

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For a final look at hillfort on here's the original reconstruction of the 'Arthurian period' SW gate from in 1975, an update by in 2008 and the area of the gate itself in 2018

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Nice Spring day The Lodge gathering ref for IronAge Hillfort illo on Tues, Nuthatches piping, choral Redwings, and some very smart Bramblings

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