Extended 2019 data from means more material for Now I can see all of the / in this corner of SE *and* a bonus mystery ditch! 1/n

4 11

Thinking about future outings, so I've had a quick look in the and it seems there's plenty to keep me busy - this is just a small section (nr Milton Abbot) for Fancied a bit of straight up this time, so this is all in

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We have a trio of Paul Nash paintings for Left: 'Wood on the Downs' (Ivinghoe Beacon), oil on canvas, 1930. Right top: 'Maiden Castle', watercolour, red chalk and pencil on paper, early 1940s, and underneath, 'Maiden Castle', no date/materials given.

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British Camp a magnificent screenprint of the hillfort by the talented Tia Lambert on For more of Tia's work see:


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Brent Hill, South Brent
Lots going on on this little hill.

artefacts & enclosures
chapel & lynchets (NE)
~16thC beacon
~19thC 19thC & 20thC quarries.

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