One day I will find the right words,
And they will be simple.

Jack Kerouac

3 6

"...It's all too much and not enough at the same time."
Jack Kerouac

3 4

"Everywhere beyond the truth, beyond emptyspace blue."

__ Jack Kerouac

© Mark Littlejohn

223 522

"And I realize that no matter where I am, whether in a little room full of thought, or in this endless universe of stars and mountains, it’s all in my mind" Jack Kerouac

29 92

Jack Kerouac — who died in 1969 — at a café reading in New York in 1959. Photo by Burt Glinn.

22 61

Jack Kerouac's postcard to Robert Frank:
Dear Robert
That photo you sent me of a guy looking over his cow on the Platte River is to me a photo of a man recognizing his own mind's essence, no matter what

12 30

“I don’t dig this one at all.”

On The Road, by Jack Kerouac.

1 29

"If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime."

Good Night

5 53

Cómo Nueva York influyó en la vida de grandes personajes y estos contribuyeron al mito de la ciudad. Descúbrelo en 'Espíritus de Nueva York', de Alberto Gil, con ilustraciones de
Whitman, Poe, Lorca, Sontag, Kerouac... en WMagazín:

2 4

THAYAHAT ( R. MICHAEHELLES) "Topolino gialla" 1930🖌️Le nostre valigie erano di nuovo ammucchiate sul marciapiede; avevamo molta strada da fare. Ma non importava, la strada è la vita.
Jack Kerouac

34 97

A brand new poster is on its way up to a happy customer in

1 1

"Jack Kerouac opened a million coffee bars and sold a million Levis to both sexes. " -William Burroughs (detail)

4 21

"Jack Kerouac opened a million coffee bars and sold a million Levis to both sexes. " -William Burroughs (detail)

4 10

"Jack Kerouac opened a million coffee bars and sold a million Levis to both sexes. " -William Burroughs (detail)

18 48

“Alcune persone hanno delle vibrazioni che vengono dritte dal cuore vibrante del sole”.
Jack Kerouac, Tristessa


24 58

Pls RT: Help us to We’re fighting for landmark designation of the iconic watering hole, stomping ground of Help now:

36 50

📚 “I am going to marry my and have little short for children.” Jack Kerouac, Novelist—“On the Road” (1957), born 3-12-1922 | ✏️ Eleanor Doughty () »

0 3

Stringiamo i termini

Steve Allen imbarca sulla collaudata sua nave

anche lo scapestrato Jack Kerouac

Non è poco per la società americana

È un’intuizione, magari anche pagata bene

non semplice per il decollo, ma per fortuna esiste


29 36

[The Road is Life] 2018 | Digital
"Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life." - Jack Kerouac

1 11