Work in progress for a commission by
I'm actually testing out a lot of things here, such as gradient maps. It's like my entire work flow restarted since I haven't drawn digitally for days and days.

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Sometimes I like to get a little stylized with my town maps. This village is inspired by Shirakawago and Japanese ink painting. I definitely need more practice!

The Japanese Village town map

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For this NES-esque project, I'm hand drawing most of the maps. I haven't really seen too many NES-based pixelart games do this before, so I'm excited to see the response.
Third image is VERY work-in-progress and might be significantly reworked in terms of art.

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I'm Mark and I make battlemaps. Hope to make some for WOTC or Critical Role one day!

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Last week I put together a series of island battlemaps. My treasure hunting senses are tingling...

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Can't have I and not II. I also wonder "what word it would spell."

The maps... from

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Key art for Body Wars in the Wonders of Life Pavilion, depicting Body Probe Bravo 229 travelling through the bloodstream. It is often seen in various promotional material, such as magazine adverts and Walt Disney World Guidemaps. Via Disney.

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Another map piece, "Piece 14", has been received by . Thank you, Pirates!

Seems like the Old Faithful lead my be ahead. Probably multiple maps.

We ask once again for everyone to check their emails in case you also have a map piece. Always check SPAM.

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Are you an isometric maniac? We can't get enough of our isometric maps.

This bundle contains 8 isometric locations to bring your adventures to an incredible perspective!

Link in the comments

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Ann & a client are discussing what tree symbols to put where on the project overview & the shovel test maps.

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Something for this week I have been working on a series of islands battlemaps. Plan to release them later this week, inlcuding variants there will be over 50 maps.

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So why the rest of ya'll are finishing up the summer, I'm working on spoopy maps for October. Here's some 50x50 haunted swamp TTRPG maps. I love these sooooo much.

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Twist to the landlocked US county maps. How landlocked is each US county, counting navigable inland bodies of water? Source:

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Graeme makes INSANELY cool maps. I'm using a commissioned map of an incredible Goblin pirate ship that absolutely blew my players away. Here's a shot of where we're picking up next session as Admiral Gullywump called for RAMMING SPEED!
Get on the train TODAY!

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It surprised me that I didn't see more incompleteness in the vein of this concept art, including multiplayer maps.
Even with the scaling back that was admitted, I'm surprised at the amount of pillars and lack of various miscellaneous structures from 1-3 used.

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Something I've noticed as im re-downloading all the maps to put in a zip folder is how much my approach has changed. I used to design my maps with the grid in mind, but i dont do that anymore and it has lead to much more organic maps.

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Can't forget my other character's twin brother! And of course, me practicing with gradient maps.

It was fun doing his line art!

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Thank you! I have many other magnificent maps. Here are a few more sci-fi sort of maps! Most people hire me for fantasy, when it comes to asset making I focus on sci-fi and I've been getting increasingly into it as my 3D skills improve.

The mountains take a LONG TIME, thanks!

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i wont lie i did this for sooo many of my designs for one of my wc maps...i dont do it much anymore but it still slaps tbh

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Working on getting to grips with gradient maps. I’ve mainly seen them used to help recolour the same backgrounds for different scenarios, but I’ve read about other cool uses for them as well so here I am :3 Also reacquainting myself with b/w rendering.

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