Does Medicare cover STDs?

6 38

Just a lil reminder that no one would be talking about Medicare for All if it weren’t for this guy and the movement he’s built

1 12

Medicare for All, I choose you!

67 259

We stand in solidarity with all folks who can get pregnant in Alabama, and around the globe, being denied the healthcare that they need. As socialists we fight for free abortion on demand under a national healthcare service.

17 83

Why do we need Medicare For All? Mmmm, maybe this.

2 2

When Republicans claim they'll save your pre-existing condition protections from Obamacare, or they claim they'll save Medicare & Social Security, don't trust them…

4 7

We ask that endorse and actively work for its passage. All in, nobody out:

285 271

CA wants is on the Dem platform but their supermajority "tabled" it. They only pretend to support it. Why? 👉 Donor $

175 216

The GOP doesn't want to fix healthcare, they want to eliminate it. We can tweak ACA but Medicare For All is the only real solution.

211 377