He was occupying the restroom for too long.

108 511

Started work on rocky/cave sections. Testing out how weapons blast through rock.

19 57

Added new mechanics, removed a few bugs and of course - Lights! And did I mention you can shoot them down? I did not. Well, you can shoot them down!

2 5

Oh GOD, he saw me !!!
Better luck next time, I guess :p

3 6

So happy to finally get slopes working properly! Sloped tiles are still posing some problems though

7 14

Gonna shorten the lifespan of the blades cut a bit, but damn this turned out juicy!

1 1

Been working on this here little samurai game on/off for about a year now! Feels like its really coming together.

0 0

Rough layout for example app. Tribute to For this year's book.

4 2

Deployable sentries making it safer to bypass a lock

3 13

Environment lights can be programmed to follow sequences

4 4