Picked up my first ! Been a big fan for a while now. Very imaginative design, great art and nicely animated. My wife's a big fan too, and she's also a huge fan of Steampunk. So this was the perfect Geisha to start my collection with. 🔥🤘 https://t.co/mbNhfUlznd

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? think im gonna pick steampunk...feel free to use either!

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Updated OC refs for ArtFight! (this time I used references for once lol)

Also, for those who might be curious, I've officially committed to team Steampunk. I'm a sucker for the underdogs (and the color brown apparently)

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Hey! Thank you for this! My name is KaoticShiba and my commissions are currently open. I draw monsters, humanoids, fan art ( anime / games ) and honestly anything that catches my attention from fantasy to steampunk. Here are my prices and examples :


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Steampunk...ish😅 dabihawks commission for <33

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I want to see more like this.
Vader looking steampunk.

1 4

欸,其實不錯,very steampunk.

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NOW Officially for the first time, ALL the Instincts have art for them.

Despite the fact that Uruk looks like she fucked a Shadow of The Colossus boss & every single "ancient script/pattern" brush I could find. And her kids look like lazy steampunk...BUT THEY'RE DONE

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Here's a custom for steampunk.rabbit before I go ^^

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Je vous propose de personnaliser votre petit familier avec des tissus steampunk.
Vous pouvez choisir n'importe lequel dans la limite des stocks
Requin/Baleine : 10€
Raie : 15€
Chauve Souris : 25€
Je peux aussi faire des dauphins ou narval
Les FdP ne sont pas inclus

10 17

Una ilustración de una calavera A impresión que vá y a casa del que lo ha encargado... Sí, a veces me contratan dibujos especiales.

3 15

Hello I am Dee a nonbinary I go by she/them/they but still I don't see me as any gender. I draw whimsical cartoons and do storyboards. Portfolio work in progress.
I love Halloween and steampunk.

1 3

I make pixelart, and like steampunk. I don't know how to talk about myself...

(To my current followers, I know it looks like I'm procrastinating RN, but I am still drawing)

1 3

Plopi. Voici ma proposition pour le de

Une harpie et une succube pour représenter la classes des Berserkers. Le tout saupoudré de SteamPunk. Un challenge pas évident pour moi, mais c'etait bien fun 💙

15 58

Steampunk shit.
I don't know what to call it, I just drew a bunch of steampunk.

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Since Christmas is over now I can finally post some of the artwork I'm most proud of that I did during that time. The first was part of the secret santa, and the second was a christmas gift for my dad, who loves steampunk.

1 5

By and with a team consisting primarily of , , and .
After the end of World War I, but mixed with steampunk. I won't tell you more not to make spoilers but I recommend you to read it.

4 16

4 stars: this year was full of wonderful, gorgeous cards....I'll never get over steampunk.2 maya, aka the greatest, wonderfullest redemption ever, I'll never stop thinking abt kanon and kokoro's dreamfes cards bc they make me cry, and the hikawa sisters event was just gorgest

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Hi, i'm Panaderalken an illustrator. i like to draw fantasy and some steampunk.

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