画質 高画質

特急あさぎりでJR東海と気心が知れた小田急電鉄は東京~小田原は東海道新幹線、小田原からは箱根登山鉄道をどうにかして乗り入れてくる「ViSE("V"ault H"i"-"S"peed "E"xpress)」を導入して箱根の観光ルートに王手を指した。

190 1106

Kalo Subaru Okiya punya pair, kira" cocoknya sama siapa ya??

Jgn ada yg jawab "aku" loh ya! Alele!

6 104

Hey everyone, it took me a while to get around to posting, but here are the first two chapters of a comic I call "ALL 4 LOVE"

you can read it on pixiv: https://t.co/ZEvlhy1K1V

34 190

[Aya's perfect photo composition] 2/2

Stomp on the land is what she calls "abstract art", photographers are artist too

Comission to

213 1428

"A brotherhood, forged from their hope and desire for a better tomorrow."

13 79

ナヴィア「これで満足?」(Navia: "are you satisfied?")

151 1030


Morizo from "Akari, the guard".

126 1151

La version française du manga BL "Ambre flottant" est désormais en vente !



30 756

🌌 cw // bl , ship joongdok

(murid!yjh x guru PPL!kdj)
siapa mw di tag? ketik "ak bang!! @"

38 335


4 57

Babu! Tiap anak cowok cyro bau minyak telon pasti punya pawang mommy

(The knave udh dikonfirmasi "ayah" si tiga sodara dari voicelines lyney dan lynette otomatis dia pawangnya Freminet jg)

105 1248

Day 6: Modern AU

"After a tiring day from working as a barista"

339 2300

hari keempat: rawat istri sakit
"tumbenan istri saya sakit begini kenapa ya pak baizhu"
"ah itu sih fluktuasi hormon trimester pertama. bapak nanti tidur sama ybs jangan jauh-jauh ya, kalau bisa dekap terus istrinya."

156 1273

Algunos dibujos de estos dos oc's míos, anteriormente ya los había mostrado pero con un estilo más "anime" xd

1 23

he radiates "AKU CROTTTTT" energy

2 18

my favorite mc in all manga
great plot
unfortunately some people dont give it a real chance because theyre dumb and think that its just "anime steven universe" which is so false bruh (but also chill on SU please)
i promise you this manga will mess you up

0 2


"atsumu's biggest blessing isn't his physical talents or mental abilities. it's that he got osamu (and his onigiri) with him"

27 164

Kryzeah, supreme angel - "And God decided to make her a dumb bimbo"

If you like my work consider supporting me on my Patreon.
Link in my home page. 💋

3 45


I just claimed "AILIS " No.81868 by https://t.co/MsuBUbEVhC

0 8

"Are you having fun?"

67 331