Naim Krieziu was an Albanian footballer who forged a career in Serie A. Signed to Roma from SK Tirana in 1939, after Albania's annexation with Italy, he helped I Giallorossi to their 1st Scudetto in 1941/42 before moving to Napoli in 1947. He returned to coach the Roman's in 1963

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Fin a cualquier armisticio.

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Oh shit, I’m alive!!!! Happy queer everybody! I powered through the Roma and came out knowing my gender identity. That’s crazy

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1629 nace don Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán, Marqués de Heliche, del Carpio y Conde-Duque de Olivares. Hijo del valido de Luis de Haro (†1661), sirvió como embajador en Roma (1676-1682) y virrey de Nápoles (1683-1687). Destacó como gran mecenas y coleccionista de arte.

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Roma (2018): The family watches Marooned (1969) in a movie theater.

It was a major influence on Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity (2013): “I watched the Gregory Peck movie Marooned over and over when I was a kid.” (Wired)

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Follow up of LO Chp50, what if she accidentally says Ryouma instead of ROMA

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My study and partly reconstruction of the 'Etruscan Juno', an Etruscan artwork from the 4th century BC, Museo Nazionale Etrusco a Roma, Villa Giulia. In the original, some pieces are missing, but traces of colour are still visible.

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Ti vedo ora vestita da Rosina
in un’immagine di scena
che è in tournée tra i teatri
di Roma e di Barcellona,
con il tuo tenore e la parte
che non abbiamo scelto.


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John William Waterhouse, ( Roma 1849-Londres 1917)...
El estilo pictórico de John William Waterhouse estuvo prácticamente inalterado y lineal durante toda su carrera artística.
“Narcisos”, (1912)...
Óleo sobre lienzo...
Colección Privada...

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🎼Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709)
🎵Trumpet Concerto (Estienne Roger 188)
🎨Guercino (La Fama con l’Onore e la Virtù, 1621, tempera su muro, Roma, Casino Ludovisi )

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Lady Dimitrescu is once again deeply concerned for her eldest daughter Bela ✨

(thank you Ivan Roma for the idea)

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Frescoes from the middle of the VII AD preserved in Santa Maria Antiqua from Roma It represents Christ

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Redraw from "Welcome to the New Dawn" comic with Roma and Anton

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Romany Marie, b. this day in 1885. The part-Roma, part-Jewish bohemian did more to cultivate and nourish the artistic and countercultural tendencies of in the 20th c. than perhaps anyone else. More on her remarkable story:

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