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And so it begins. We now have a 12foot trampoline. #nevergrowup #funinthesun #mumslovefun #trampoline #summerfun
With the temperatures rising in the Old Pueblo this weekend, stay cool by visiting the #GalleryInTheSunMuseum! We are open daily from 10:00am-4:00pm. #TedDeGrazia #DeGrazia #NationalHistoricDistrict #Tucson #Arizona #AZ #SantaCatalinas #Desert #TripleDigitTemperatures ☀️🌵
工藤晴香、7/7リリースの1stシングル『Under the Sun』詳細&新ヴィジュアル公開
#工藤晴香 #UndertheSun
工藤晴香、7/7リリースの1stシングル『Under the Sun』詳細&新ヴィジュアル公開!
#工藤晴香 #UndertheSun
タイトルは...「Under the Sun」🌞
#くどはる が作詞をした、初の胸キュンソング❣️
カップリングには #ナユタン星人、#TeddyLoid によるリミックス2曲を収録🌟
Summer is almost here! 💛 💖 🧡 🌊
#Summer #SummerVibes #funinthesun #Summer2021
Dating from the mid 1950’s to the early 1970’s, DeGrazia’s musical angels are depicted playing horns, violins, harps, banjos, and record players. “Celestial Music” is currently on display through Sept. 1st, 2021. #DeGrazia #GalleryInTheSunMuseum #CelestialMusic #Exhibit #Angels
Flower design for cloths.
#Flowers #design #flowerphotography #arfica #aplaceinthesun #nupras #writing
Hi I’m Ceno
Next on D&D class series: Cleric
Shine bright, sun-bros! Helpful miracles and dedication can make you grossly incandescent. Always appreciated and very high bro-tential!
#dungeonsanddragons #praisethesun
My favorite. ;A; The best sunboi. 💕☀️
#DarkSouls #Soulsborne #DarkSoulsFanart #SoulsborneFanart #Fanart #SolaireofAstora #PraisetheSun #Art #ダークソウル
Upon request here is a photo of DeGrazia's “Cowboy and Village”. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! #TedDeGrazia #DeGrazia #Artist #GalleryInTheSunMuseum #Museum #Gallery #NationalHistoricDistrict #Tucson #Arizona #SantaCatalinas #Desert #OilPainting #Cowboy #Horseback #Village
#YasuoOhtagaki dibujará un nuevo manga basado en la franquicia mecha #FangoftheSunDagram.
El manga debutará el próximo 28 de mayo y será supervisado por Ryousuke Takahashi, director de la serie original de 1981.
Happy National Nurses Week, a huge thanks to all the hard-working nurses out there who make a difference everyday! #TedDeGrazia #DeGrazia #Ettore #Ted #Artist #GalleryInTheSunMuseum #Museum #Gallery #Tucson #Arizona #AZ #SantaCatalinas #Desert #NursesWeek #Nurses #Healers