Imagine that the they had to wear their old suits for an event ✨ ...! Wait, what was that soun-? TONY GET OUT OF THERE!!

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Key word is confidence.
Guess, when saying these words, you need to be CONFIDENT in your truth. .

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Знаешь, как говорят? Что земля вращается. Когда в детстве ты узнаешь, что мир вращается, ты не можешь поверить, потому что кажется, что все стоит на месте. А я это чувствую. Вращение земли...©

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Гений, миллиардер, плэйбой, филантроп.©
Тони Старк! Железный человек.

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Artwork for the amazing fic "Under his skin" by Serinah!
It is set in Secret Wars: Civil War, featuring feelings, skrull betrayal, silver fox Tony, and finally a happy ending!

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The key word is self control.
Tony is aware of his mistakes and capable of drawing conclusions.

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Tony Stark is once again living in my head rent free

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The key word is government.
Inspite of my headcanon that Pepper would be a perfect ruler, Tony will also do quite well.

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"I did you a big favor. I have successfully privatized world peace. What more do you want?”

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Key word is solitude.
Both the Arcane itself and its meaning suit Tony just like second skin.Guess,it’ll be my favourite card.

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🦩💦 Quick little Tony, remember to always dedicate time for yourself ;)❤

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