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Brand new work from the Harcourt Romanticist titled “Not One Less”《缺一不可》. The piece comes right in time on July 1, one year on since the National Security Law was enacted in Hong Kong, and on the day the Communist Party celebrates its 100th anniversary.
2 days ago I walked on the runway for @topmodeluk worldwide competition with #hongkong protester outfit. I chose it because it represents my home country’s current state. Design inspired from a 2019 poster. #standwithhongkong @Stand_with_HK
Official pics are not released yet.
Wing Wah Cafe in Char Gwor Leng 茶果嶺榮華冰室
Illustration by Gary Yeung
LamChunMa Clubhouse icon #10 Tyler 📸💬 Tyler doesn’t judge people by appearance.😶🌫️
#nft #nftartist #nftart #nftartist #opensea #lamchunmaclubhouse #photographer #hongkongart #hongkongartist #blockchain #clubhouse
日を追うごとに、劣悪な香港に堕ちていく。まさに、悪貨は良貨を駆逐する如く。愛読してた香港アップルデイリー紙が #Chinazi 秘密警察に締め上げられて休刊に追い込まれたのは、痛恨の極み。
I'm pancakes hello! And yes I'm cool u should follow me 😌
@lukedepulford A heartbreaking day for all freedom loving #HongKongers. Thank you #AppleDaily
Credit: 丹尼爾。海的兩三事
😢只要大家心中有蘋果 ,蘋果是不會消失的。
#hongkongprotest #standwithhongkong #speechfreedom #pressfreedom #assemblyfreedom #illustration
@RamyInocencio @hkdemonow @appledaily_hk @CBSNews @CBSThisMorning Thanks for reporting. It is utterly sad for #hongKongers
June 25th is likely the last day of @appledaily_hk, the one and only pro-democracy mainstream media outlet in Hong Kong, unless the assets are unfrozen.
With Apple Daily gone, our press freedom is gone.
Friends from GaoLauDaHar. We met each other in Cho Hau (Cantonese foul language) room @clubhouse 🗣
#nftartist #hkartist #hongkongartist #nft #opensea #cryptoart #cryptoartist #cryptoartwork #leechikin #digitalart #procreate #artgallery #lamchunmaicon #clubhouse #clubhouseicon